
How do i get my parents to clean?

by  |  earlier

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i'm the oldest of 4 children. they're 8, 5, and 1, and i'm 20. but it seems i'm the only one who cares about keeping the house looking nice! how do i get them to care about cleaning and making their house looking presentable and organized? especially the kitchen which if left in their hands in a breeding ground for bacteria and molds. they don't make the little ones clean either! please someone give me some advice, my only idea i have left is to just move out and let them writhe in their filth.




  1. move out. you're 20, and you have that option. As much as i feel that when a family lives together everyone should help out, but that also means the folks. Shouldn't have kids if you can't deal with the mess.

  2. i'm the middle child, im 14, my younger sister is 12 and my older brother is 16, i clean the house everyday, i vacum, i dust, i feed my younger sister, with the help of my grandma, i clean the bathroom, and i somtimes do the laundry, my parents come home from work tired, and my mom cleans on her days off (wednesday, sunday, and every other saturday) but other than that i do the work, but even if you are doing all the work, it's good, now you can practice for your future house =], that's what i always think, my friends can't even clean their own bathroom, be proud that you're one of the few that can completely clean their house from top to bottom

  3. maybe you should respect them for working so hard to take care of you and your 3 siblings...

    they don't have to clean

  4. show them the mess their living in, and simply ask them to help you out when your cleaning. good luck!

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