
How do i get my parents to stop fighting

by Guest10632  |  earlier

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my mom and dad have been fight lately how do i get them to stop?




  1. dont try to get in the middle of it. tell them that you want them to stop doing it in front of you because it is starting to affect you and the way you feel. dont try to be the peacemaker, if something goes wrong you could end up getting hurt physically or emotionally. but you cant tell them to just stop. there is a reason they are fighting and they, as adults, should know better and have better respect for their children to not do it in front of them.  

  2. I'm a parent and I don't think there's much you can do... I mean me and my husband don't fight in front of our daughter but we do argue, it's part of adjusting and marriage. And you have to remember that when parents do fight, it's an issue between them that they should fix not their children. But if you want to help, I know that I couldn't say no to my daughter if she wants us all to go out somewhere as a whole family... i mean it doesn't magically fix things but it's a start =) don't worry, I'm sure your parents will fix things.

  3. Get your mom alone and your dad alone at one point and ask why there fighting and if its going to stop. That's what i did to my parents. They kept fighting and i asked my mom and she said "Were just arguing. You and your sisters always fight but you still love eachother. Me and your dad are in the same situation. Dont worry." Find out more.

  4. try to be the peace maker in thes situation

  5. Here is an understanding for you...something that they don't even understand.

    Your parents have outside stresses, money, job, kids needs.  And it has happened that they've each become so focused on the problems, and they are not focusing on each other in the right way anymore.

    The result of this lack of attention to each one, makes each one feel that the other does not care anymore, and

    it's all too much to bear.

    Now, IF each one felt the other really still cared, then the other stresses would be much easier to handle.

    So what to do?

    Hon, YOU can't do anything.

    THEY must each do the work.

    The tought part is that neither one will want to be first...they won't even believe this is the problem.  They're both deeply into the blame game.  They are each confused and don't realize what they're doing....and yes this leads to yelling and blaming and worse.

    First, one of them has to start the ball rolling back to caring between them.  That means a committment to never yell again, even when being yelled at.

    Instead, put a hand on the other persons shoulder, and "agree to disagree"...and also work on the problem that presents itself.

    Simple things like "How are you this morning honey"...or "you did a good job cutting the grass"...or that dinner tasted really good"...and other small compliments and pandering goes A LONG way to smoothing ruffled feathers.

    If one of them can start it, and continue, I guarantee the other one will respond in a positive manner.

    If you could get Christian Carter's book on Relationships it would be a bonus.


  6. Unfortunately you cant,  it is up to them to stop fighting. you could let them know it is upsetting you but you cant make them stop.  i am sorry you have to go threw that.

  7. I know this will seem like an awful answer but it's true,  There's nothing that you can do.  Sometimes if you tell your parents how much it's hurting you they may stop.  

    If it seems to get worse and worse, try to help convince them to see a psychologist!

    I hope this helps and i'm really sorry that you have to be going through this!  really, tell your parents how much this hurts you.

  8. You really can't.

    The only thing you can do is to let them both know how much it upsets you.

    Sometimes parents forget that when they're fighting.

  9. Ask them, why can't they love each other like Christ tells them to love each other.  If they loved the Lord they would not be fighting against one another.  Ask them to forgive each other and not to let pride get in their way.  When married people fight their egos get in the way and that old sinful pride lifts its ugly head.

  10. VIAGRA

  11. I'm not sure you can get them to stop but i suppose you can help the situation. Try and sit down with them and tell them you don't like it when they argue. I'm not sure if this helps but i hope it does.

  12. my parents have been figting for more then 15 years. i saw some bad stuff and i always wanted them to stop fighting. nothing helped though. but they did stop fighting after i moved out to a different country. then the reality hit them.

    they are unhappy with each other and all i could do is to let them realize that and somehow deal with each other. i couldn't do anything but let them be adults.

  13. This is tough question.  I know that it might seem like it isn't any of your business, but you can ask them to sit down with you and you can tell them how you feel.

    Some people get into a habit and it is hard to get out of it.  Yes, even fighting can be a habit.  It is possible to have a disagreement without yelling.  Name calling should be an absolute no.  If they think that they are reaching a point when they are going to say something terrible that is the time to take a break and go to another room and cool off.

    Marriages are difficult.  Everyone has stress, money, children, work. . . and that can follow a person into their relationships.  Divorce should be the last straw.  People need to try and fix the problems (if they are fixable) before throwing in the towel.

    When you are married, I hope that you remember how this makes you feel so that you don't put your children through the same thing.

    Good luck to your family.

  14. You can't stop them from fighting.

    Just go off on your own, don't get involved, and ignore them.

    These things have a way of working themselves out one way or another...

    Yea, Yea, Yea, everyone is giving me thumbs down...

    Ok Timmy, become a Jr. psychologist and make them go through your special blend of individual therapy and marriage counseling. Make them feel guilty about arguing in front of you (if they had any feelings of remorse already about arguing in front of you they wouldn't be doing it now).

    Or you can do as one person suggested and whack them both over the head with a bible, while chanting "Jesus Loves You". With any luck, you might even be able to get them to join a cult and all of you can wait for the meteorite on a mountain top, or move to a Utopian village in South America!

    In the end they will bottle up their feelings and separate / divorce, or one will and up abusing the other, and you will feel guilty that everything you did failed miserably...

    Or you can do what I originally suggested; don't take sides and ignore them.

    I make that suggestion for YOUR sanity, not as a resolution to their problems, because as most here do agree; you CAN"T stop them from fighting!

    When I was a kid I choose to protect my own sanity.

    It's your choice now...

    p.s. Read what Jenya wrote

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