
How do i get my parents to upgrade form tracfone to a plan?

by  |  earlier

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i feel like i havent gotten a chance to actually get a normal phone they say i dont need it but yes i do im in highschool the phone was a hand me down form my dad and i got it when i started 7th grade i think its time for a change.




  1. Tell them that you will pay for it...  If your not able to pay for a contract, then you shouldn't be getting a contract phone anyways...  

  2. Make a good plan.  Tracfone is not a money friendly service.  You are paying anywhere from 33 cents a min and up.  Depending on the area you live in will depend on what is better.  Also track how much is being spent on cards.  What is for mins and what for txts.  Prove that your family will benefit from changeing.  Also be open to other prepaids, such as Alltel U.  Take the time and go talk to someone in your area that deals with these phones everyday.  I suggest a WalMart supercenter, or a Best Buy.  Good Luck!

  3. just tell them that you would prefer minutes that dont expire, tell them about at&t, with rollover minutes, so you arent losing minutes. offer them to do work around the house.

  4. do your chores

  5. The new Tracfones with Unlimited Double Minutes are a much less expensive phone to use.  If you check out the Tracfone Bonus codes you can get minutes for under 10 cents.  The new W370 and Lg 600g come with DMFL included for as little as $30.  Get a Job and save up some money to pay for your own contract phone.  The thing you have to be careful about with a contract phone is you can spend several hundred dollars in a month and then you have to pay it or your parents will get a black mark on their credit report.  A friend of mine has a son that ran up over a $1000 cell phone bill in a month calling a girl in Canada.  With Prepaid you can only spend what has been already paid for.    


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