
How do i get my parrotlet to not fly?

by Guest63154  |  earlier

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i'm trying to train my parrotlet but i cant do anything without it flying away, and then back onto its cage. what should i do?




  1. Im going through that same problem right now and i found a solution but im still trying to train my birds to stay on my shoulder without flying back to there cage so i have to take the cage and but it in a different room where it cant see the cage and i do this everyday to get it use to being out by itself and comforable good luck

  2. Get the wings clipped and that will help you out a great deal. Some birds are calmer and easier to train when the wings are clipped. The bird will still be able to glide .. it wont drop to the ground like a rock but it wont be flying all around either. Most birds fly back to the cage. Try taking your bird, after the wings are clipped, into a small room where the cage isnt there and then the bird wont be focused on getting back to the cage. The bird wants to go in the cage because it is safe in there. . . so just make slow movements around it, take it out of the cage often, and just let it sit on your finger. Do not try to teach it tricks if its still trying to get away from you. Get it comfortable first

  3. clip wings

    but there are special scissors for that i suggest those are better than regualr ones

  4. They have flight suits for birds.  My birds personally won't let me put them on them so it's a shot in the dark if your bird will let you.  It keeps the bird on a leash and it also keeps the bird from being able to p**p on you.

    IF you do have the wings clipped always use a vet for that I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say they accidentally cut the tip of the birds wing off.  The bone feels just like a feather shaft.

  5. If you have its wings clipped it will be able to glide, but not fly. However I would use that as a LAST resort with a porrot. It would be such a waste to clip those beautiful wings off!  

  6. Is they're a reason it goes back to its cage? My bird will fly of my shoulder to go to the cage but not 'in' the cage. He just goes back because the rest of the birds are they're but if i take all 4 of the birds with too than of course he will stay. There's gotta be a reason. Hope this helps.

  7. Take him out of the room his cage is in. While you are holding him, hold a treat in your other hand and offer it to him. For treats for our parrotlets I give them toasted wheat bread, graham crackers,or millet. Try to see if he will eat the treat while you are holding him. Make sure you are very relaxed and calm while you are trying this. If you can get him to accept the treat, do this a couple times a day. If you haven't clipped his wings, make sure that you do this before trying to tame him. Taming is always faster and easier if they are restricted from flight.  

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