
How do i get my post baby bod back?

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Okay, this is me before my twins:

After having my 5yr old, i sort of just bounced back into shape.

But with these twins, im doing the same thing but not only is it taking me double the time, it isnt coming off!

Back then i was 105lbs & 5'10".

I am now 125lbs. I look fine, but not ideal.

Im naturally very skinny, so this is on the larger side, FOR ME.




  1. forget it, it's the 'new you' make the most of it while it lasts, it doesn't get any better :(

  2. Different demands on the body, age, more stress, all these things are factors.

    I've heard women claim after their first kid that they just couldn't lose the weight, I've heard some claim that they lost the weight no problem after the first, but the second did them in, and etc.

    You had twins, which is tougher on the body, you also had (at least) two pregnancies, which changes things.

    You may just need to work harder, or work smarter on this one.

    You don't say what you're doing now to lose the weight, but the best way I've been able to find to do this is something like Art De Vany's Evolutionary Fitness. ( It's a change in both diet and exercise, and it's not intended to be something you do for 4 to 8 months until you lose the weight, however it *does* work, and there are more and more studies coming out that back up his positions.

    And quite frankly, don't *****, If that is your picture, even with another 20 pounds on that frame (especially where having a baby puts it) you got *nothing* to complain about. I'm a (mostly) stay at home dad, and I take my kid to a lot of activities with other mothers. Count your blessings, you're *very* lucky.

  3. your not fat like people say you are on yahoo.

    But you don't get it back.

    SORRY Hun

  4. "post" baby bod back?

    Maybe you're looking to get your "pre" baby bod back.

    Try that.

    "Post" is...umm...after.

  5. Why would you want to be that skinny? Your hip bones should not stick out like that. I'm guessing you look a lot healthier at 125 than 105. Keep the weight on.

  6. you have a womans body after birth ..before you still had a teenage body. Womans body isnt meaning fat ..its shaped diff now. Rollerblade ..Rollerblade..105 is anorexic for 5'10" Ive had 6 kids Im 5'5" 125 ideal weight. Get out there and SWEAT

  7. Hard to tell without a photo of what you look like now - but personally before the twins I think that you looked too skinny - so you probably look quite good now!  All you can do is eat as well as you can and with three kids Im sure you are getting all the excercise you can!  Just remember the twins are still only really little - as they get older and you get a bit of time for yourself back again - and when they start moving around! you will probably find considering you are naturally slim that you will continue to loose more weight without too many problems.

  8. you dont...

    you fat

  9. Excercise and diet. i also have a friend, she was big after giving birth. it took her 2 years of diet, excercises and yoga, etc. to reduce her weight.  but she didnt really get into her prepregnant body. but she's almost as thin as when she was not pregnant.

  10. exercise...ALOT and eat healthy.

  11. you just accept the fact that your body will never be the same. make healthy eating choices and exercise and not worry about what your body was before having kids.

    OMG- Edit- I just looked at your picture after answering and I'm sure the added fat the twins brought on has done your body some good. You looked entirely too underweight and I'm sure you look amazing now!

  12. You had some figure,im sure your still lovley,Just give your self time good luck.

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