
How do i get my rat out of her cage for cleaning?

by  |  earlier

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my friend is almost here and my ratcage stinks!my rat doesn't like being out!everytime i try to pick it up it jumps or hides in a corner where ican't get her!i try holding tighter and i cant lure her into a box.i tried scooting her butt!how do you pick up a rat anyways?(shes new)help!i don't want her cageto stink!




  1. u need to handle her more thats y shes scared of u try getting her into a tube

  2. If she´is not ready to be handled yet, you might try putting a towel in the bottom of your bathtub and put the cage in there with the door open. Put a few enticing nibbles outside the cage. Watch at a distance and then when she explores, lift the cage out to clean it. Return the cage to the tub to let her get back in.

    You will want to start socializing your rat so that you can begin handling her. Don't grab your rat if you can help it - let her meet you on her own terms. I usually the quarantine cage on my desk while I work and leave the door open. Periodically I offer the new rat a cheerio or other small, low cal treat. I don't try to pet her, but instead hold my hand out and let her approach me to sniff. If you do this and avoid grabbing and forcing her, she should come around and allow herself to be handled quite soon. Just grabbing her will simply frighten her, however, and may slow the socialization process.

  3. willow sticks help with the smell you can put them through the bars and they will chew on them (good because it'll keep there teeth down). You pick up a rat by its waist dont squeeze because it will bite, if it riggles to much sit it in your hand so it doesnt feel threatened. you dont need to put her in a box when you clean her out, she needs to run around girl rats are really active, also she should have a friend if you havent already got one you need to get one asap! Rats are really social they need rat company! when you clean her out let her run round in a room she cant get out of like the bathroom or something if you feed her treats she should bond with you better

    Hope this helps

  4. When you clean out her cage,you should buy a special smaller cage or something for her to just stay in for a little while you clean out her cage.

  5. Just pick her up, corner he and try to get her from the midsection.



    I'm not kidding.


  6. If you are scared she will bite you, put on a glove and pick her up.


  7. Just grab her around her midsection, right behind her front legs.  Hold her tight, but not too tight.  (Though, it's hard to be 'too tight' on a rat.)  If she learns that squirming is a good way to get away from you, she's going to keep doing it.  Could you maybe try using a bowl or something like that to get her in a box, too?

  8. She's probably terrified. Not because of anything you did, but because rodents have evolved so that they don't like open space. They prefer to be up against things. This limits the number of ways a predator can come at them and provides some protection. You have to help her get over it and learn that coming out is a positive think. For right now if you have another box or a rat ball you can open it, put it at the mouth of her open cage door and put some treats inside. She won't mind going into a closed in space. Wash your hands before you handle her and after you clean her cage. Rat can be nasty and washing your hand before reduces nips and some scaredness, because your hand may smell like cat or food and you won't know it. Mice and rats have poor eye sight and go on smell. It' s hard for them to distinguish between a piece of carrot on your finger tips and the fingers that brushed all the carrots in the bag. The only fruit or vegetable I can think that you shouldn't give them is lettuce or cabbage or anything like them, because the can stick to the roof of the mouth and choke them. My mouse liked raisons the best. Eventually, you'll just need to teacher her to trust you. You can do this by washing your hand with just unscented soap and water and putting a raison or something on the end of your finger. She'll come up and eat it. It may take a while so just put your hand in a corner on the bottom of the cage. When she's not afraid to do that then you can put some snacks in the palm of your hand. I would wash them again first since she has to climb over your fingers and they smell like treats. She'll climb into your palm and you can lift her out slowly. If she tries to get down, let her. The object is to make her feel safe, not trapped. Try not to do this in a room with a lot of places to get away. The bathroom is a good place to start, though you should close the toilet lid, plug all drains and stick a towel in front of the door crack, though these step may not be necessary. You can take a shoe box and cut a hol in the side and place some treats leading to the hole and inside. You can then set her down on the counter with the shoe box and giver her treats. I would have better treats in my hand than in the box. She now has the option of choosing you or the box. She'll think it out and realize that you haven't hurt her and you have better treats. Eventually, she'll always want to be with you. I had my mouse break out of it's cage a few times at night and I would wake up to it srabbling at my nose telling me to give it a treat for pulling such a good trick. By the way,you can get them to sit in the palm of your hand to pick them up or pick them up around their waist. You can also clicker train them. It's usually described as a dog training method, but the principle will work on most any animal. Just google it and you'll get lots of instruction. It's an easy way to teach cute trick. Just read up on it well so you know the principle before you start trying to apply it. Good luck.

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