
How do i get my slice serve to go faster?

by  |  earlier

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its my second serve but its not as fast as it should be, ive been working on it and its gotten pretty good my form is great i just need to add speed any tips?




  1. ...

  2. I really think it just boils down to racket speed and timing in actually increase the speed of your serve.

  3. tips... i think that you must know all of them

    but in case of negative....

    try to shoot the ball the highest you can... the movement. the circle with the raquet's head behind your head should go trough at least 90 degrees ( more of less) .. jump on the serve ... and remeber... put the maximum slice you can... so with this providence, you can optimize the strenght used, with security!!

    its difficult to tell .. tennis is pretty hard , there's no special formula, so practice and remember too...

    ... each player has a particular way to serve!!

    so find your own way!

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