
How do i get my son to clean his bathroom?

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How do i get my son to clean his bathroom?




  1. Tell him you'll buy him something that he has always wanted if he cleans it

  2. If bribes of something extra like extra TV time or whatever, tell him he's grounded until it's cleaned.

  3. Maybe pay him a small amount, or offer a reward of some type (extra tv or computer time, pizza or lunch/dinner out, make his favorite dessert).

    Maybe it's a bribe, but if it works, what's the harm. His future wife will also appreciate the fact that he knows how to clean a bathroom.

  4. Give him the proper cleaning tools and show him EXACTLY how to use them.... Give him a day of the week that it must be cleaned by or he loses x,y,z item(s).... If the problem persists.. Get a lock on his bathroom and make him share the bathroom with other members of the household.. Or give "his" bathroom to another family member that keeps it clean.  

    Good luck

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