
How do i get my son to drink cows milk?

by  |  earlier

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hi i have a 12 month old son who turned 1 bout 2 weeks ago and have been wondering how i wean him from formula to cows milk? any feedback would be greatly appreciated




  1. I started out slowly. Start out by mixing the formula with the cow's milk...about 3 oz of  milk to 5 oz of formula. Do that for a few days, and gradually increase, every few days, the amount of milk. It's best to do it this way b/c it's gentler on their tummies, and they can get used to the taste better.  GL!

  2. Changes like this, even on a one year old tummy, can lead to upsets, so it's best to take it easy at first.  I would give him a little at the beginning - just a couple ounces, maybe with a meal, and see how he reacts to it.  Have his usual formula nearby to give him the rest of what he needs for a drink.

    If you do this with breakfast or lunch, you should know by dinner time how his tummy has accepted it.  A couple days of this and you will know if he's ready or not....they all move toward new foods at their own pace.

    If he tolerates it well, you can increase the amount of milk until he's away from the formula completely.

  3. When I switched from formula to milk for my sons, I used 2% instead of whole milk. I wouldn't add flavors to the milk as they are loaded with sugars and other additives that may not be good for a 1 year old.

    You can always ask your pediatrician for advice.  

  4. Do it gradually buy adding 90% formula then 10% cows milk. The 80% formula 20% cows milk and so on.  

  5. Try giving himm the bottle and see his reaction.And they say mothers milk(from your breast)is very good for them!

  6. i'm thinking it's the taste of the formula that has become familiar.

    start mixing the two

    1)90% form 10%milk

    2)70% form 30%milk

    etc until it is 100%milk  

  7. use bournvita or horlicks or some flaoures added to milk availble in market

  8. Slowly mix in the cows milk into the formula

  9. Maybe warm the milk a little to room temperature so it's more like formula.

    If he doesn't want it try adding some sugar, strawberry or chocolate mix to it.

  10. Dont give him a choice.From now on make his bottles with cow milk no more formula.Don't go backwards.He will get use to it.Since at age one he can have other fluids also.Like juice.

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