
How do i get my two year old to sleep in his own bed?

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He screams & acts like he is scared when i put him in his own bed & just keeps getting out. So i feel bed & let him in my bed with me which i no i shouldnt do! Help




  1. Honestly, I did some research and the experts say that two may be to young to be in a toddler bed. My son is almost two and if I tried to move him to a toddler bed right now it would be disastrous. he may be scared because he is not yet ready to be out of his crib.

  2. Some things I have tried with my children are:

    Put him to bed before it's your bedtime-this makes his room the only option since you're not in bed and it makes it easier for you to get him back to bed while you're still awake.

    Stay with him for a while until he falls asleep, then eventually try to leave before he is completely asleep.

    Try night lights or stuffed animals or anyway you can comfort him about being afraid.

    Be persistent! Once he sees you are willing to give in he will push until you do. Once you can show him that NO MATTER WHAT he will be sleeping in his room he will give up and things will get easier. This will not happen over night or even soon. These things take time especially if you have stubborn little ones like me!

    If he gets up during the night try to stay persistent and put him back to bed in his room I know this is easier said than done but in the end it will pay off.

  3. start early with a bedtime routine. get him into bed just a little earlier than normal because this is going to take some time. sit next to his bed with your head down and reasure him that mommy is right there and that there's nothing to be afraid of. if he gets out then put him back. don't keep talking to him though, bring it down to just "bed time". and then just don't say anything when you put him back. he'll get used to that and soon you can sit against the wall... then in the door way... then outside the door... etc. that's how I always did my kids and they slept in their own rooms at 18months. good luck! getting them in their own beds can be rough!

  4. I had a "big boy day" were we picked out new stuff for his room a night light, pillow cases, blankets, all that fun stuff. He was HAPPY to get it all but still didn't want to sleep in his bed. I would let him fall asleep in bed with me then take him in there. If he woke up lay my head on his bed till he fell back to sleep. His bed is were he had to take all his naps

  5. Here are a few ideas...

    1.Lie in bed with Him till he falls asleep

    2.Read him a bedtime story.

    3.Get him a night-light

    4.put some of his toys in his bed

    5.Leave the light on for him

    6.Let him sleep downstairs and let him lie with you on the sofa

    7.Lie him in his bed and go up and down with your finger on his nose to make him sleepy.

                                  Hope i helped.

  6. Hi, you say you 'shouldn't' let him in your bed, is that shouldn't or don't want to?  Because if you are not letting him in because of what other people think or tell you then why are you listening to them.  If you don't want him in then that's diff.  I am a believer in co-sleeping I think it is very natural. Children who co-sleep, sleep right through the night from very young.  I've had no problem with co sleeping and if you do not mind your little boy sleeping in your bed then id welcome him, if he is scared it is serious in his little mind, things seem so real to children of this age.  If you do not want him in your bed then lay with him or say you'll stay in his room while he sleeps and leave when he falls asleep.  Does he have a good bedtime routine?  Bath, music, books, maybe this may help relax him if you don't already do this.  I done my degree in psychology and child psychology interested me the most so I have read many books on these matters.  I hope this helps, but at the end of the day you know best, go with your gut instinct, you are his mum an know whats best for your little boy.  Good luck and take care.

  7. wow. you sound just like me. I have the exct same problem. What I've been doing is laying him in the bed with me, then when he falls asleep, put him in his bed.

    I also, sometimes will sit in his bed, or on the floor by his bed, until he goes to sleep

  8. initially perhaps you could try putting him into his own bed once he's already asleep, let him get used to waking up there.. you might find that he doesn't mind it so much.  maybe give it a week and then try again, start to take him to his own bed, but don't give in! if you give in, he'll know he can get his own way in the end so will cry it out.  It'll probably cost you a few nights sleep though.

    edit: I like the idea about staying there while he goes to sleep.

  9. Well I was watching super Nanny the other day and on it there was a two year old child who was doing what your child is doing and to solve the problem what they did was the child went to bed in their own bed and the parents went to bed in their own bed. Then during the night the child got up and walked into the parents bedroom waking the mum up and she put him back into his bed, he screamed and cried and after a 5 mins he got up and went back to his parent room again, but the mum got up and put him in his bed and left him again and she kept doing this process and after a while he did stay in his bed!  If you can be constant and don't mind the crying then try it.

  10. Hi. Im afraid there isnt an easy answer here. And its going to take a while.

    Start by putting him in his own bed and stay with him. Read him his favorite story or even make up a nice story of your own. After he settles tell him you have to leave the room for a min... make sure you dont leave him for longer... when you go back if he is still in bed praise him and carry on with your story telling. If he has got up...put him back to bed again and carry on with your story. Repeat until he stays when you leave the room for a very short period. Gradually increase the length of time you leave the room for. Try not to get cross when he gets out of bed but praise him when he stays in bed.

    Once he will stay in bed until he falls asleep you have almost cracked it. Tell him he is a big boy now and you know he is grown up enough to sleep alone. Think of a toy he really dosnt have to be expensive just something he really wants. Tell him that when he sleeps in his own bed for 10 days in a row he can have the toy he wants. Make a chart and mark down the days he sleeps alone. Once he has done it 10 days in a row you have the whole thing sorted.

    Hope this helps. x

  11. Let him sleep in your bed. Then when he dozes off and becomes knocked out. QUIETLY put him in his own bed. Then in the morning, go to him and say WOW YOU SLEPT IN YOUR OWN BED LIKE A BIG BOY. Then he will be like WOW I REALLY DID IT. Keep doing it for a while.

    Or even lay down with him in his bed, and leave when he is sound asleep.  

  12. You have to be strong, and even if he screams DO NOT LET HIM IN YOUR BED!!!!  my sister had a boy who slept with her until he was 12 years old, really...needlesss to say, he ended up an only child and she ended up divorced.

    First, you could lay with him in his bed until he falls asleep, never in your bed.  Or you could try one of those cool lamps that puts the stars or disney animals on the ceiling.  Get some sheets that have his favorite character on them.  If it is "monsters" he is afraid of, make a "monster potion"  get some water in a spray bottle, add some fragrance and spray it under the bed, around the room, and never forget to spray the closet.  Let him do it and he will feel like a big boy.  Every time he gets out, put him back, everytime.  It might take a few days, but you will be surprised how it will go if you just stand your ground.  Good luck!

  13. Here are a few suggestions:

    1. lie beside him and ensure he falls asleep before going to bed yourself

    2. make him feel like a big boy and that big boys go to bed

    3. do a sticker-reward system of which going to bed alone gets the most points

    4. switch on the light when he is sleeping

    5. make sure his room looks very angelic and comforting

    6. make a make shift bed and sleep beside him

    worse comes to worse, implement all 6 steps :D

  14. I actually got in bed with my son when he did this & then when he was asleep went & got in my own bed,i did this several times,then one night i told him mummy will be in soon & then left him,he fell asleep on his own,perseverance pays off.

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