
How do i get my website included on search engines?

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How do i get my website included on search engines?





  2. try here

    Oh! and also this one mate:

    This one above is viral advertising and it really works!

    The bottom one of the two above can increase your HITs and traffic to your website by 1000 hits per week if you ACTUALLY do it.

    Ive made alot of money through it, $6,748 so far, and thats after 2 months only

  3. Create quality inbound links from your site on other sites such as directories and article directories. The engines will get your link just fine and don't worry about the so called "thousands" of search engines. Most are getting their information from the main ones.

    The first is a smart approach that requires patience but is more rewarding. You can also submit directly to Google at Yahoo MSN

  4. The hottest real busopp there is , Google adwords FREE!.  I am involved in this and this has no cap on what you can take it to Get your wesite in #1 spot FREE! Google

  5. I read that your website is picked up more quickly if you have more useful information on it.

  6. 1. Add content

    Add content, add content, and add content. Before you even register your domain, you should have enough ideas to build 100 pages on your site. Start brainstorming and see what you can come up with in 10 minutes. If that's not enough to fill 50 pages, consider not building the site at all. Having lots of content is important.

    2. A simple design is better

    Text content should outweigh the html content. Stay away from heavy flash, java, JavaScript, etc. Don't add to much stuff like 'best viewed with'... Your website should be viewable with any browser. Keep it clean and professional.

    3. Keep the pages small

    Smaller is better. Keep it under 15k if you can. Your site should be fast loading, or people will leave. Speed is everything. Next to content, that is. Keep it under 10k or 5k if you can. Difficult, but people love fast sites. Throw away all the trash on your pages.

    4. Content length

    Put a new page online every day of about 200 to 500 words. Go to the overture keyword suggester to find ideas of what to write about. Spell checks your content. Search engines can do it, and so should you. If you have a blog, go for article-like posts as opposed to the personal diary kinds of posts.

    5. Use keywords

    Use your keywords in the following places: title, description tag, heading, url, once bold, once italic and once high on the page.

    6. Link to other sites

    Put 2 links to other, high ranking pages on your site. They should be relevant to the content of that page and use keywords as your link. Don't add every link that's requested. Check their relevance first.

    7. Link to your own site

    Put links from one page to other relevant pages on your own site. Again: use keywords as your link.

    8. Submit your site

    Submit your site to Google, AltaVista, Yahoo, Msn, Hotbot, etc. Then forget about that for 6 months. Also submit it to every single directory you can find. Do a check after 6 months and resubmit if you're not listed.

    9. Log and track

    Most hosts provide these. Don't use a lame graphic counter. Check where your visitors are coming from to find out what traffic methods work best for your site.

    10. Write for people

    People are not coming to your site for your content. They are coming for their content. Try to write as if you are writing to one specific person, such as a friend of yours who's interested in the same topic. Don't try to write for 'all of your visitors'.

    11. Stay ahead

    If you know that something big will come out in a few months, build a page about it now. It gives search engines time to index that page so they can feed it to the growing anticipating crowd.

    12. Add more content

    This is so important: keep adding content. Do this for a year and your site will be a top ranking website within one year. You could've been there now, if you started last year. So start now, so you'll be there next year. You'll thank yourself (and me) later.

    To add your site to Google

    To add your site to yahoo

    To add your site to MSN

    You can submit your site to these major sites yourself. But to rank at the top, you need to advertise it. You can try Google Adwords. It’s the most effective and targeted way of Advertising. Although it can be expensive but I know 1 Person here on Yahoo answers who is giving 1000$ of adwords coupons for 25$.

    I've personally tried it and its worth. If you want his ID mail me through my profile.

    You can also try free classified advertising.

  7. First of all, you need to have some decent content on your website. And then you will need to get some exposure for your website.

    It's easy to be in the search engine but you should target to be among the top 10 result for your keyword.

    You can try article marketing and get high quality backlinks from article directories. More backlinks with your keywords as the anchor text can help you get higher ranking in the search engine placements. That will bring in more targeted traffic for you.

    Good luck.

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