
How do i get off meat?

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i wanna be a vegetarian really bad, but i like meat a lot and i don't really like salad that much...what are some good ways to stop eating meat?




  1. I just stopped completely, but that doesn't work for everyone. I suggest you give up one meat at a time. Also, start introducing new foods into your diet. You'd be surprised at how yummy veg food really is. There are many meat alternatives as well. My family loves the Boca "chicken" patties and veg burgers. Just experiment and find thee thiings that suit your tastebuds.

  2. Honestly, I watched a slaughterhouse video and that did it for me.....

  3. well first of all, why do you want to become a vegetarian If you like meat so much? Mock meat or imitation meats are good, like morning star corn dogs or veggie burgers from boca. Also, to make sure you are getting all of your nutritional needs met see a nutritionist.

  4. Since you like meat a lot I would advise you to alter your eating habits gradually. Begin by eliminating one kind of meat . Perhaps start with all red meat. Give yourself an adjustment period. Then all poultry. Again, let yourself adjust to it. Then all fish. Vegetarians don't eat fish either. Nothing that ever had a face. No eggs, Finally, no dairy. There are many places you can find cruelty free products and animal free foods on the web or in books. There are many on the web. It isn't easy. It's more work but it's a super, kind thing for the sake of animals and you derive the benefits of better health. This is the step process I used 30+ years ago.  I wish you luck with your endeavor !

    Just be careful to read the ingredients on the boxes of the "veggie" frozen burgers, chik patties, dogs, corn dogs, sausages, etc. I discovered that the Morning Star Farms Grillers Original contained egg whites.

  5. Everyone is different, but I personally never had a problem with it.  Just eat all your favorite meals, without meat.  American meals do tend to be meat-centered, but you can always do Italian foods like spaghetti, ravioli, lasagna etc , Mexican foods like tacos, burritos, enchiladas etc, or Asian foods.

    I did not eat fake meat at all until I was a vegetarian for a few years.  Fake meat is not imitation meat.  It is a substitute, for making those very few meals that just can't be made without meat.

  6. Try all the fake meats like boca burgers, chicken, even ham and there is always tofu and tempeh

    Make the change gradualy, like take out one source of meat a week, like turkey or chicken or cows

    Go to and you will never want to eat meat again when you see where it comes from.

  7. Try soy meat, don't quit meat to quick if not you'll return to it as fast as you left it, just try less portions and introduce soy or any other meat substitute.

  8. you could  try vegetarian meat
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