
How do i get over a bad job interview?

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I went on a job interview today and i completely feel apart. I was Stumped on questions and I was a nervous wreck. I went in with the idea that i was interviewing with one person but it was actually 4, and they were all beautiful women, being the only guy at the end of the table i crumbled..

How do i get over this painful feeling of failure in the pit of my stomach?




  1. I've been there man. One time I totally wrecked an interview and said some embarassingly stupid stuff in front of 5 people. It's normal for people to buckle under pressure, don't worry about it. Besides it's not like you're ever going to meet those people again anyway.

    I can breifly sum up your life right will go on.

    BTW, if I didn't mess up that interview I mentioned above I wouldn't have the job I do right now and I love it!

  2. It's just like falling off a horse you just have to get back on.  Interviews are tricky you never know how they are going to turn out.   All you can do is go onto the next one learning from the ones you've had.   I always say that the first 6 interviews are just practice anyway and don't really matter.  This takes a lot of the pressure out of the situation.

  3. Haha... Give it time.

    This is coming from a self-proclaimed "Best job interview" in the world...

    I am (or was) convinced that all I needed was an interview and I'd for sure have the job... I am an expert in interviews and can sell myself to anyone!

    However - I wanted to do something good and decided to go out for an interview for a weekend job (just 4 hours on Sat and Sun) at the local humane society. I have more experience in that area than I'd like to talk about including being a former Zoo employee and a long term volunteer at a Vets office doing exactly what I'd be doing at the Shelter - cleaning kennels...

    And they never called me back!!!!!!!!!!


    Who does that? Seriously.


    So - take it from the new expert... Give it time.

    Who knows - they still could call ya back.

    Most interviewers take into account that the interviewee is nervous!

    Good luck to you!

  4. Consider it as practice. Hardly seems fair not to let you know that youw ould be interviewed by a panel rather than one person, but you'll be better prepared for your future interviews.

  5. Just breathe, in and out, clear your mind of women. Watch a man movie like Commando, or Apocalypse Now.  That's what always cheers me up.  Also do something that you know you are good at.  Beat the entire series of (I'm throwing this out because everybody has it) Halo or Call of Duty.  

  6. rehearse your answers before hand, so next time, you will be prepared. Preparation and knowing something about the company are your best line of defense in an interview. Maybe you did not do that bad. for encouragement, listen to  

  7. just remember that it was just one interview. Life has a way of working these things out, if it went that badly then it wasn't the direction you were supposed to go in. Learn from your mistakes on this and be a little more prepared next time, never assume how many people will be there and always be prepared for beautiful women ;D. There will be other interviews, other job opportunities. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going.

  8. Go to your local library and take out several books on interviewing. Read those books well. Soon, the phrases and paragraphs will become a part of your internal dialogue. Practice rehearsing answers to questions. Speak out loud. You can also type paragraphs to common questions like: tell me a time when things didn't go well on a project and what did you do about it? Think of an answer and type it up and rehearse that. And so on. Be prepared. Don't sweat it, it's not an interrogation. They want to see how you respond to pressure in a group setting. Remain calm (they know you are nervous).  Smile when appropriate and relax and pretend you are on a tv show or something to get your mind off the reality of it. Never be rude, flip, arrogant or judgmental.  Look interested and listen carefully. When we stress out, we forget to listen and our head is spinning. Breathe. It will go much better next time and visualize a great outcome. Do positive self-talk in the mirror at home before you leave.  Also...leave the cologne at home, cologne stinks!  

  9. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's only one interview.  Just think, the next one will be a lot easier.  I personally think it's better to interview for jobs you don't want.  By doing so, you gain experience so you will be better prepared for a job you really want.

    Everyone feels that they could have done better on an interview, it's human nature.

  10. Maybe it wasn't a bad interview on your part.

    Maybe they were just lousy interviewers.

  11. You have to believe in yourself.  If you go in to a job interview thinking it is going to be a failure, then you have pretty much accepted in your mind for it to be exactly that.  You need to focus when you go in for an interview.  You need to convince yourself before you go in, that the interview will be a complete success.  See yourself being confident and professional and most likely it will be so.  

  12. consider yourself lucky to have experienced a bad interview like that, now, if you sohudl ever come across one, you will know more what to expect. now tou know, to expect more, and to be more prepared, i experiences a terrible interview, and i learned not to be so nervous about it, because, so many other people go through the same thing, and the interviewers intervierw many people who are probably as nervous as you, so there isnt much to worry about. also, re,member the quesitons they asked you, and review important points about yourswelf next time you go in for an interview

  13. go boozin' bro

  14. eat a tub of icecream, it works for women...

  15. go do something you like that will take your mind off of it...this kind of stuff happens..some go your way..some don't will be fine..don't worry be happy!

  16. Pornography. Beer. Myspace.

  17. Try practicing more, like in the mirror, or with a friend. Try remembering the questions you were asked, because usually it's the same questions for every interview. Perhaps you could print out a sheet with the questions on it, and practice with those if you can't remember all too well. All you need to do is practice, and think of different strategies to calm down during the interview, and keep trying.

  18. Put it down to experience, think of it this way, no other job interview you ever go to can be as bad as that one can it?

  19. Be prepared on your next interview. You fail to plan, you plan to fail. Get back on that d**n horse.

  20. My guess is: you were not ready for the interview. The objective is to make your interviewer(s) feel as if the company you are interviewing with is the dream company for you, and the job you are interviewing for is the dream job for you. This take a lot of preparation. Find out as much as you can about the company and the job; show off your knowledge during the interview.  Prepare several questions that you could ask your interviewer(s) in order to make them talk and let you relax, feel more comfortable and get ready for the next series of questions. Make sure your interviewer(s) know HOW YOU WILL ADD VALUE to the company. Simply put yourself in your interviewer(s) shoes and ask yourself the question: "What would it take for us to hire this gentleman/woman?"...

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