
How do i get over an ugly photo? ?

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I found an ugly photo of myself. I looked ok in every other photo, but now whenever i am out i think of that photo and become obsessively insecure. What if i always look like that? Does this happen to people?




  1. it happens to insecure people. you seem to have some image issues, you need to try to find the root of them, spend some time alone and do some soul searching, find out what it is about oyu or who you are that makes oyu think others see an unattractive person. Usually it has nothing to do with a physical charectaristic.

  2. Sweetie, It was only one picture...Stop thinking about that...You know your heart and you also know what you look like....It is your personality and your heart that matters the very most, not one snapshot that was taken......You know what, my last driver's license photo looked so bad......I hated that photo of myself, and had to show it whenever they needed ID, and everyone noticed how bad I looked on it...I just laughed and said, ya, it looks like I just got out of the pen, doesn't it...????? LOL....It always made them laugh...And, when I renewed my license I took alot nicer of a pic this time...So, don't worry, like I said, it is only one pic....don't obsess about are beautiful.......((((HUGS))))))   Linda....

  3. easy. throw/ delete that photo.

    you know you can look good, you said it yourself. think beautiful and others will see beautiful.

    just get the best picture of youself and look at it everytime you go out. you will gain confidence and your mind will be in a positive place.

    dont worry about that photo. i'm sure everyone of your friends and family agree that your beautiful. you just have to believe it.

  4. burn the ugly photo........take a new one a really good one fo yourself and put it on your mirror and look at it everyday that migth help.......and maybe just get over it everyone has there bad days :-)

  5. everyone is beautiful so i wouldn't worry about it and if it's still getting to you just throw it away.

  6. hid that picture. and don't look at it again.

  7. Almost everybody has ugly photos of themselves. When my partner was in school, one boy in his class had his left t******l hanging out of his undersized shorts in the class photo.  

  8. Everybody has a few bad pictures, it's no big deal.  I've had my share of horrible photos and most of the time no one else sees you the same as you do.

  9. HI seems like its more than just that photo. You say all other photos are fine. It may be something else in the photo, or someone causing bad memories. A cause in association.

    If you continue to feel insecure for a period of more than two weeks you may like to seek the help of a professional practitioner?

    take care. remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is counting the person looking at the photo also - you!

  10. Find another photo with the same outfit than you will know that is just a bad one.

  11. I have seen people who have this problem & they end up having something tragic happen. They stop being petty after they lose a loved one or burn their face in a fire & wish they would have not made such a big deal out of a photo. So look at the bigger picture in life & then you will come back & appreciate what you have more.  

  12. Don't look at the photo.  problem solved.

  13. It can and does happen that somebody snaps a photo of you and you look like a completely different person.  I obsessively take pictures of myself- I know from experience.  If the camera is too close to one's face the nose seems to protrude out much further creating what looks to be a mountainous nose with the rest of the face receding.  Sometimes when a picture is taken looking up at your face rather then eye level or from above it can create or accentuate a double chin.  Lighting is also important.  The best kind of lighting shows your natural skin tone while minimizing flaws such as pimples.  When the flash is too bright you may look really far too pale and then red elements such as blemishes appear highlighted.  Everyone looks much better when they are not trying too hard to pose for a shot, unless you do it professionally.  Also, keep in mind that we are usually at least a few shades more attractive then we perceive ourselves to be- I think I read this in a magazine article.  Just realize that you must look really good if you look great in every other photo except one.  Go with the higher percentage.  Maybe you can look at the photo again and then look in the mirror and pinpoint how you really look as compared to how the photo makes you look.  Some days girls retain more water- like before their period.  Is it possible that you were retaining water that day?  Just convince yourself of why the picture is not a good representation of you, otherwise you will continue to be miserable.

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