
How do i get over my fear of Planes, and boats?

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its summer time and my family usually goes on a trip and i don't go because i refuse to go on boats or planes becuase i'm afraid that something is going to go wrong and the plane is going to crash or the boat will sink, and i don't know what to do?




  1. You could identify your fear. Like, y you're afraid. Talk 2 the flight attendant or captain and explaine why you feel this way. They make thousands of trips and nothing's gone wrong. They've had lots of people who are like you. They'll know whut to do.

    You can also ask yourself wut u would d o IF the plane crashed. If youre prepaired, you may feel better.

    Talk to somebody. They'll help you feel better.\

    Hug a stuffed animal.:)

    If it get super bad, go to a phyciatrist.

    Good luck!

    PS You will have a ton more fun if you go out and see the world!

  2. You can sleep.

    Just stay calm and pray.

  3. the more you learn about something the less you are afriad of it [this does not mean that you should not respect the machines capabilities or take for granted the operator knows what they are doing]

    however explanations are out there for the forces [in laymans terms] that keep aircraft flying and boats afloat if you accept these truths rationaly [these things are governed by physical laws that hold true all of the time] and begin to understand the processes involved you may actually begin to enjoy yourself while at these activities .

  4. its more likely that u will get in a car crash than in a plane crash....

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