
How do i get over my fear of batting in a baseballgame, im fine in the cages but i am nervous i will get hit?

by  |  earlier

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with the ball, because when i was younger i was headhunted and now i am afraid, what should i do? i love baseball and want to tryout this year




  1. Look at the bright side, if you suck at batting, you won't get hit. If you're good, you get a base (and a bruise)... You could also try backing off the plate or working out your reflexes so you could dodge the ball.

  2. you just have to realize getting hit by a pitch is a part of the game, whether it be intentional or not. Be sure to keep a close eye on the ball, and try your best to avoid the ball. It hurts for a few minutes but then it shouldn't hurt unless it's serious. there are plenty of times when i see a pitcher throwing his pitches to my teammates where i think "wow he sure is throwing hard, what if i get hit?" but when i go up to the plate i just think: i can't be afraid or else i won't focus as much on hitting the ball."

    and it's true, if you're so afraid of being hit by the ball, you won't be able to hit it and nothing good will happen. also you can think positive and give the pitcher a reason to be afraid of you.

    hope i helped and good luck

  3. honestly, you need to get hit. Have your friend throw to you in the cages and have him mix one in at you (wear a helmet) It will help alot. That way you know that it won't hurt that bad.

    make sure your friend doesnt throw tooo hard

  4. You must get over this fear.  Pitchers will find out about it and exploit it unmercifully.  The only thing I can say is don't go in the box worrying about it, take the same approach as in the cage.  If the ball is coming in on you, try to escape it.  If you can't and get hit, take inventory of yourself.  Maybe it stings a little, perhaps a bruise.  A little soreness.  But you're alive and there was no serious damage done.  And maybe you got a base out of the ordeal.

  5. ok who ever said for someone to throw at you...bad idea.. just dont think about it. i get hit all the time.. ya it stings sometimes and it may leave a bruise but thats about it most of the time

  6. Just comes with experience. Plus, if you do get hit, it kinda gets it out of your system. I got hit 5 times my senior year of high school. For whatever reason...

    Obviously most pitches are not going to hit you, and if the pitcher does hit you, it will most likely be unintentional, and it probably won't be in a bad spot. Very rarely does a ball accidentally come at somewhere really important. Most times it will hit you in the arm or leg or something. Just shake it off and realize you just helped your team by becoming a baserunner   :)

  7. Accept the fact that you may get hit with a baseball and that it will hurt, but also accept the fact that it is part of the game.  Focus is the key, pay attention and watch the ball and learn what kind of pitch is coming at you.  Take some live batting practice and take about 10-15 pitches with out swinging just to see how close and where they are.  See where the ball is and get comfortable with knowing that all you have to do is hit the ball or not.   Good Luck.

  8. keep playing. You should get over it...

  9. Just accept it. It will only hurt for a sting for a second when it hits you. Just swing the bat and if you see it coming at you just duck away. Don't ever think a ball is going to hit you or you will be scared. Just think that he is going to throw a strike. Or don't think just see the ball and react.

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