
How do i get over my fear of cockroaches???

by  |  earlier

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im 16 and im like really, really scared of them!!! whenever I see one I started crying and screaming and running away,ok, i dont run away any more, or scream, i just cry and maybe scream a bit, coz my dad starts shouting at me if i do! i never eat in my room, and i dont let anybody take any food on the first floor (where all the bedrooms are)! i dont know wat to do, im panicking every time I see one, the i get nightmares about it and everything, i just hate them! do u think going to a psychologist would help? wat else can i do?




  1. I used to be really afraid of cockroaches too!!

    Until when i realise , they're smaller than me .

    Theres no need to be afraid of it .

    Just remember your bigger then them!! :D  

  2. maybe jus call pest control and clean out ur house so there r no more of da cockroaches  

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