
How do i get over my fear of hangovers?

by  |  earlier

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hey does anyone know how to get over a phobia of being hungover i had one really really horrible hangover and iv not drank since but im missing having the laugh with my friends please help me get over this




  1. Well you could try to calm down your drinking to avoid the hangover. And I know this sounds ridiculous, but when I have a hangover (and I know it's worked for other people as well) the next day, I take a shot. Or have a beer if you don't do shots. It helps get rid of the headache and the horrible feeling you had from the night before.

  2. Drink a lot of water on the day you are going to drink. Stick to vodka and coke - and limit this to 5 or 6, and you should avoid one. One more pint of water before you go to bed.

    Hangovers are most likely caused by dehydreation - so stay hydrated, They are also complicated by toxin levels in the bloodstream - so eat healthily - fruit and veg and high soluable fibre will help your gut absorb the nasties and get rid of them effectively.

  3. there is a herbal product called party smart . see if u can get it.  

  4. Simply put...Don't drink!  I know that a great time... laughing, rollicking, and silliness can be had by all...drunk or sober.

  5. Only have one drink.

  6. to avoid getting hungover, make sure that before you start drinking you have eaten some complex carbohydrates (ie bread)

    while you are drinking, drink 2 cups of water for every beer/shot/glass of wine.

    a hangover is just dehydration.

  7. sensible people do fear hangovers. they hurt. the answer is to only drink in moderation.  

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