
How do i get over my fear of steep drops?

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i went surfing yesterday and the waves were about 4-5ft... i know that's not even big and some people might considor it small but i was scared senseless to drop in cuz a) lots of good people were around and b) it's hard for me to drop in when i think too hard. please help cuz i want to get way better... ive had an amazing session b4 when a baja swell hit and the waves were the same heigth and i was ripping but i dont know what's happening now!




  1. its all about commitment and being agressive when trying to get the wave, beacause if u are going to second guess going for it you probably wont make it, its worth going eventhough you might eat c**p, it depends how good you are too

  2. I used to have the same problem!  It's a hard thing to get over, but you really just need to do it.  

    I call it "going balls out."  Basically, just having guts, taking a deep breath and committing yourself.  You just have to go.  

    I have a rule, that I'm no longer allowed to back out or chicken out unless the wave's face is 10 feet or bigger.  Anything smaller than that, and you're not going to drown or die or anything, so just go for it.  

    Also, here's something I do.  I always go for the first big wave that comes my way.  No matter how big it is, even if it's a close out, I just go for it.  If I ride it, then I'm in a good mood and I'm more "balls-y" for the rest of my session.  If I fall, then I realize that it wasn't that bad, and I get back on my board and paddle out.  Now, I can go for anything, because I went for that one big wave right in the beginning, I can go for anything for the rest of the session.  

    Committing to a wave really helps.  You just have to go.  If you hesitate and hold back, that's when you can get hurt.  

    And, don't be worried about other people out in the water.  Remember, they're going to think less of you if you just sit there like a bouy, not going for anything.  That's when they'll talk about you.  But if you're going for every wave you see (just remember to wait your turn), no matter how big it is, and you're trying your best, they'll be saying good things.  Even if it's, "wow, look at that crazy girl going for every big wave out there.  She really has guts!"  :)

    Send me an e-mail if you want any more tips or motivational suggestions that I do.  :)

  3. practice high dives at a swimming pool. Employ the same instincts in the surf keeping your weight as low as possible, bending the knees, not the hips.

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