
How do i get over my shyness???

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every time i have to present something to my class, my face gets red, and i start shaking and my voice pitches, and it looks like I'm about to cry???

how do i get over it !!!





  2. i know how you feel!! i get really nervous when i have to present things infront of people. what i do is pratice a lot and get confortable with what im reading. then when im presenting it, pick something in the classroom to focus on that is above everyone's heads so you dont see them looking at you. and once you do it a lot, you'll get more confortabe with it and you'll be a pro!!

    Good luck!

  3. i feel you. i guess the solution is you have to be really sure on what you're going to present in class. You only experience fear if you are not sure of something. Be totally prepared.

  4. Me too! But usually, I just suck it up. If its for a grade, I'm willing to humiliate myself! but really, do you want them to see you cool, calm, and collected, or all red and shaky? Take a deep breath and just keep your calm!  

  5. I used to have the same problem! Going to a counselor or psychologist for therapy might help - you could go through group sessions, or even just learn relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxing and deep breathing. Practicing before your presentation and being well-prepared will also increase your confidence. It helps to talk into your mirror, at a stuffed animal, pet, etc. If you try everything and nothing works, talk to your physician about options. Oftentimes people with public speaking anxiety (that doesn't respond to treatment) can be prescribed beta-blockers. They don't make you feel numb like benzodiazapenes do, but instead blunt some of your physical responses to anxiety - pounding heart, shaky voice, sweaty palms and such. I hope this helps...hang in there, you're taking the first step to making it better! :)

  6. practice makes perfect!

    practice in your mirror at home, or read to family/friends. be sure of your material

  7. do something crazy or wild but make sure u wont get in trouble with ur parents or the law

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