
How do i get over this?

by  |  earlier

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This might sound ridiculous... but never mind, its how i feel.

I am 20 years old, and have had my dog since I was six. Two days ago, he died. and I have taken it hard. I feel like I dont want to eat, and I'd rather sleep than have to be awake and think about it.

I know it must sound silly. You may say "its only a dog" but to me he wasnt. He meant alot to me and I dont know what to do. I grew up with him, and its gping to be odd not having him around.

I feel so rubbish. I cant stop crying.

Im just asking this question, because im desperate for someone to put this in persepective for me- I know from past experience, I am liable to get quite dramatically down quite quickly. I dont want to do this to my self anymore. I miss him so much already...




  1. I'm sorry about your loss . . . Just think that he's in a better place.  You'll be ok in a few days.

  2. No you not being over dramatic at all not even a little bit cry all you want for how ever long it takes you to get over this. I know exactly how you feel except someone stole my babies all three of them and i cried and cried for months its not just a dog and people told me the same thing but they just don't get it i still miss them so much ive gotten another dog since but ill always have a place in my heart for my other dogs. its part of the grieving process to cry s***w what other people think.

  3. Aw God bless you!  I'm so sorry to hear of your loss!  :(

    Dogs become very much part of the family.  We get to know their habits, likes and dislikes, little funny things they do and we love them so much.  When they are no longer there, it's can be like losing a close family member, which is exactly what it is.  You must give yourself chance to grieve and time to do so.  It's perfectly natural to feel this way, so don't feel guilty.

    Don't block it out, think about him.  Remember the fun times you had.  Those memories are yours to treasure for life.  Enjoy them, then his life would have had the best meaning.  Keep that joy he gave you in your heart forever.  

    Maybe one day, you will feel strong enough to give another dog as much love as you gave to your beloved pet.  I hope so.

    Good luck...and try to smile for his sake.  :)


  4. Get a new dog. It'll help fill the void. And don't think about how your dog is "irreplaceable", but I'm pretty sure a dog is. My hamster died, so I got a new one, and It's exactly the same as my last hamster. It'll be fun getting a puppy and seeing it grow. Don't be sad about it, just remember that everything dies, and I think that you'll eventually move on. Good luck.  

  5. we all grieve  certain impacts in our lives. This dog has made a huge impact on your life by always been there for you and vice versa. Your not taking this to hard its normal its the process of life. There is just one thing that you have to realize that he is healthier and not suffering wherever he is. Once you realize that then all will go well. Maybe think about getting a new dog to share the next chapter of your life. He will never replace your old dog but he can give you more memories and hopefully a better moral. I hope things get better

  6. There is a puppy out there waiting for you out there and the sooner you both find each other, the happier you both shall be.

    I think you have been conditioned to think that this is the way one should act after a loved one has passed on, note the word ACT.

    Your not an actress are you ? are you getting paid to act that way ? no, i think not,, so stop with the acting all sad and get back to being YOU.

    Didn't mean to sound harsh but you know what also hurts, the truth.

    Respect to your dog for making you a great pet lover.

  7. I know how you feel.  My dog died recently also.  I don't remember a time when we didn't have her, she was 15 years old.  I understand that he wasn't "just a dog", when you are that close to a pet it becomes family.  Crying is okay.  You need to get it out somehow.  

    It is going to feel weird for a while to not have him around anymore but it will get easier over time.  Try to occupy yourself with something so you can take your mind off of it.  I'm not telling you to try and forget about him,  you will always remember him and he will have a special place in your heart. Try not to think of the sad moments when you think of him, think of all of the good times you had with him.   Whenever times get tough, I just tell myself "this too shall pass".  

    Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!

  8. A pet that you have had for that long is not "just a pet" it is a family member and has  a place deep in your heart. Dogs love you unconditionally, know when you are sad or happy and don't care when you s***w up. It hurts to lose someone that loves you that much!! Go ahead and grieve. Enlarge a photo of him and place it in a place that will allow you to see him and remember the good times so eventually the pain will ease up. Sorry for your loss...    

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