
How do i get past verizon security?

by Guest57701  |  earlier

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my mom has this parental controls that are blocked by a password. is there a way to find out the password?




  1. The only way is to ask your Mom for the password.  She set parental control to keep you from doing whatever you're trying to do.  Respect your Mom.

  2. Step 1 go to mom

    Step 2 ask her nicely

    Step 3 mom thinks about it

    Step 4 answer

  3. There is a way around EVERY security system!

    1)  Ask with a reason like "I need to get to a sight for school"

    2)  Watch your mom type the password in

    3)  Try different password that you THINK she might put in for her password

    4)  Try a bruteforce type password cracker.  They exist.  Just have to find one that runs by inputting a password into the program.

    No security is FAILPROOF!  There is always a human factor (1,2 and 3)

  4. Nope.....restrictions are set to keep you safe and prevent you from accessing questionable material....

    Funny thing is, when you get into the world and start working, this DOES NOT CHANGE!  Your employer will do the same thing as well as your school (even colleges)

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