
How do i get perfect skin?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a little confused and faced with a predicament (pun not intended). Im having skin problems, not acne necessarily but i have problems with red, underskin sort of pimples. It's not really even the fact that i have pimples but redness that sticks around for a long time without going away. My skin will be smooth but not "clean" looking. I work out 5 days a week and have balanced nutrition. Currently I use the clinque 3 step (type 1-2) and I saw improvements but I don't know what the extra step is to get the asian awesome smooth skin I want. Possibly shaving is irritating my skin because i don't really have full facial hair yet. The areas i DO have facial hair don't give me problems Any solutions?




  1. A few things you might want to try:


    Pure Lemon Juice

    Shea Butter

    Cocoa Butter

    I believe all of these are listed @

    Browse around and I'm sure you'll find some hidden treasures that work for you. Just remember, persistence is the key! Take a brillo pad to your face if you have to (and let me know if it works)!

    I kid..

  2. Get a well balanced diet

    eat healthy & exercise :D

  3. I think there is no real way to get perfect skin cause nobodys perfect, but if u have pimples, I recommend using ice and that'll stop the swelling and redness, for your skin...have u ever heard of ambi?? Well walmart or and retail store have it, even the dollar store, but ambi is different from proactive and all the otha facial cleansers, ambi actually even or skin tone while uncloggong pores, and lighten your skin complextion. My mom had used this for along time and her skin is flawless and smooth. Try it out and tell me your results.

  4. I believe, all you need to do is, get nice green diet with nuts, oily fish, and proteins.

    Then put aloe vera everywhere on your skin and exfoliate every 2 days.

    Thats what I do! But you need to keep this regimen regular or it'll never work

  5. you may have rosasia you should go to a dermatologist to check it out

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