
How do i get pics off a usb chip?

by  |  earlier

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i'm a freakin caveman when it comes to computers. i have a 1g usb chip that has pics i need for work. there is a usb port in the front od my hp tower and i have windows vista. hepl!!!!!!




  1. well you need to putthe chip into the usb port and then a window will pop up and there will be a folder click on the folder and your pics will be there. if the window doesnt pop up go to MY COMPUTER under the  devices with removable storage should be a folder for you usb click on it and your pics should show up.

  2. Alright Og, Listen up.

    Just turn on your computer and log in. Plug your USB Flash Drive (not USB chip) into your USB port. At this point, you should either

    (A) get a prompt from the computer asking you how to open the USB Flash Drive you just plugged in,

    (B) see a window, with the contents of the USB Flash Drive, just pop up, or

    (C) wait a while and still nothing happens.

    If A, you choose Open.

    If C, open My Computer and double-click on the name of your USB Flash Drive. This should Open it.

    At this point, whichever scenario happened, you should be looking at the contents of your USB Flash Drive.

    Simply locate your pictures on there, and drag and drop it to your desktop. You may also right-click on them and select copy. Then right-click on your desktop and hit choose paste.


  3. Ok easy setps

    1) Put the Chip into the slot

    2)Options here:a) Double click the My Computer icon from the desktop, b)Click Start>My Computer (should be seen on the right side from the taskpane that comes up when you click start).

    3)When you open My Computer, you will see either the name of the USB chip (if you gave it a name you will see for example, Dave's Drive (K:) otherwise you would see the name of the USB manufacturer (e.g Kingston Drive or San Disk Cruzer Drive (L:)

    4) You can either double click to open the drive or you can right click using you mouse, then left click and choose Open option.

    5) You should see evrything that you have saved on the usb device appear. If it is only pictures you can change the view by clicking on the View tab just above the files so that you can see the pictures as a group before you open them individually.

    Note remember to safely remove the usb device when you're finished so that it does not become corrupted and you cannot access the files stored on it.

    To safely remove, bottom right corner where the time is. Scroll the cursor over it and you should see a new icon. Click on it and select safely remove the letter which follows the name of your device. (e.g if your device is named Kingston Drive (K:), the you choose Safely Remove Kingston Device (K:). Or you can follow the steps from 1 -3, at the third step, RIGHt click on your USB drive and select Safely Remove. A message will pop up stating that it is now safe to remove the USB Storage device. DO NOT EJECT before the message pops up. I did that a couple times and lost irreplaceable information

    For past people who posted. Vista prompt is not always enabled for USB devices depending on whether you have the 32 bit or 64 bit of Windows Vista. I think it also changes when you update the service pack also but it can always be corrected later. Also Vista does not recognize all USB devices so even after drivers are downloaded you still have to manualy  access the drive rather than "expect" a prompt.

    Hope I was able to help you all. :)

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