
How do i get pimples?

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How do i get rid of the pimples that i have gotten I use soap everyday and wash with water. I don't use makeup. Is there a cream out there I can use to help get rid of them now that I have them. I am female. It maybe or not be my monthly visitor. I just want a solution to my problem.




  1. Are you asking how you can get them or why you get them? If you're asking why you get them, it could be because of puberty, menstruation, not washing face properly, or not washing off your foundation (if you wear it). We all get pimples from time to time; it

    s natural. If you're asking how you can GET pimples, then the answer to that question is easy. Like the first person said, you can use oily moisturizers, not wash your face properly, etc. Be more specific in your question.

  2. By not washing your face daily.

  3. Dirt and skin cells clog your pores and you end up with pimples. It's also very common when you're going through hormonal changes like if you are on steroids, puberty, etc. Usually, washing your face with a mild face wash and removing all makeup before bed is the best way to prevent pimples. Also make sure you change your pillowcases regularly. There is a difference between pimples and acne however so if you are concerned you should consult a doctor or dermatologist.  

  4. Idk if in your question you are asking Why do you get pimples, or How can you get pimples. If you asked why you get them, its because there is little holes in your face that aren't noticible called pores, and if you don't clean them regulary, dirt and icky stuff get inside them and builds up, witch soon turns a white-color and then the skin around it builds up like a bump and it's called a pimple, zit, acne, whatever you want to call it.

                               Now, if you were asking how can you get pimples, you just simply: Not wash your face after you sweat, apply tons of oil to your face, or you can touch your face alot with your filthy numbs. I really don't know why you would want them...but there you go!

  5. If you want, you can mess with your skin and use oily moisturizers and poor-quality will most likely get pimples if you start to do that, although I can't imagine why you would want them.

  6. If you're a teen, chances are pretty good that you have some acne. Almost 8 in 10 teens have acne, along with many adults.

    Acne is so common that it's considered a normal part of puberty. But knowing that doesn't always make it easier when you're looking at a big pimple on your face in the mirror. So what is acne, and what can you do about it?

    Sometimes even though they wash properly and try lotions and oil-free makeup, people get acne anyway — and this is totally normal. In fact, some girls who normally have a handle on their acne may find that it comes out a few days before they get their period. This is called premenstrual acne, and about 7 out of 10 women get it from changes in hormones in the body.

    Some teens who have acne can get help from a doctor or dermatologist (a doctor who specializes in skin problems). A doctor may treat the acne with prescription medicines. Depending on the person's acne, this might mean using prescription creams that prevent pimples from forming, taking antibiotics to kill the bacteria that help create pimples, or if the acne is severe, taking stronger medicines such as isotretinoin, or even having minor surgery. Some girls find that birth control pills help to clear up their acne.

    If you look in the mirror and see a pimple, don't touch it, squeeze it, or pick at it. This might be hard to do — it can be pretty tempting to try to get rid of a pimple. But when you play around with pimples, you can cause even more inflammation by poking at them or opening them up. Plus, the oil from your hands can't help! More important, though, picking at pimples can leave tiny, permanent scars on your face.

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