
How do i get prepared for 7th grade

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How do i get prepared for 7th grade




  1. prepare for drama drama drama...its been a while since i was in 7th grade but if nothing change since my day, prepare to fight ur way out all year if u want to ever reach 8th grade..cause all these 7th graders will guarantee be b****e$..especially the girls

  2. well at orientation make sure u can open ur locker, then meet the other teachers, and b prepared for lots of drama and homework

  3. read.

  4. Don't do anything.  

  5. it is never too late.  research  fifth grade and sixth grade reading ability, and what will be expected of you in the seventh grade.  mainly reading ,math, science--in other words the basics.

  6. get ready to work ur *** off and drama starts too so stay single and um.. stay in skool

  7.   I am a mom myself and My advice is to relax and look in young teen fashion magazines to create your own style that doesn't stand out too much from the others.  have your school supplies organized and it helps to go to the campus before school starts so you can see where to go like the gym, offices, cafeteria, and have a basic knowledge so you can feel confident and not be lost.  This also helps so you can get to classes on time.  This is a time to prepare for highschool and don't worry because as long as you see Jr. High as a first step to your future as a grown up you will be fine.  Best Wishes and I hope I helped.

  8. get ready for the drama! if you had drama in 6th grade it will be 100 times worse! and the immaturity is bad!

  9. just listen, follow the rules, stay out of trouble. there is a low amount of drugs. rarely any...

    and you will make friends probably the first 2 weeks you are there! have fun!

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