
How do i get rid of RACOONS??

by  |  earlier

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they tear up the trash in the back yard and make a mess every night.

and i dont want to kill them.. thank you!




  1. i think you should move the trash in the garage and if that doesnt work i guess u could spray them with a hose  

  2. Ok this works for bears so it should work for racoon's.

    If you pour Ammonia on the garbage when you put it out it will not only stink it also will upset their stomachs. Buy it by the gallon, vinegar might work as well.

    Also you can purchase or build locking trash cans to keep them out.

    You are right not to kill them or poison them but your best bet is to remove the temptation.

  3. Buy a trap, put peanut butter covered corn on the cob in it, and then get some ether (starting fluid will do just fine) and then drown them. It's fairly humane. They just go to sleep, feel nothing, and then die.

  4. dump garbage in your neighbors lawn at night. that will solve it

  5. Stink bombs.

  6. call and c if animal control will do anything about them, bcause other than killing them u really can't get rid of them. (and theys mean little sons a - , so watch out)

  7. Try putting mothballs around. I don't know for sure, but anything living can't stand them d**n things. Dunno.

  8. I suggest motion sensing lights and an air horn. :) that way you'll know they're there when the lights come on you can step outside and scare them with the loud noise. A paintball gun is actually a good idea too, it won't kill them and they'll stop coming if they know you're waiting for them...

  9. Eat them.  

  10. kill those jerks!!!

  11. set up trap or call a professional to kill them?

  12. put out snickers bars, they will choke on them

  13. paintball.   use the furry bandits as practice.  believe it or not, racoons can be taught.  

    dont do any of that cayenne pepper c**p,  animals that come into contact with that have been known to claw out their own eyes.  

    keep your yard in better order too,  they cant make a mess with nothing to make a mess with.

  14. Get a live trap, put some food in it and leave it out overnight. When you caught them make sure you release them at least 10 miles away or they will come back.

  15. You can do multiple things. One, tie your trash can lid down so that the raccoons can't open it. Two, try to not leave food outside. And three, mini-wire fence your plants and gates.




  17. Just remember and keep in mind that raccoons are the number one animal that carries rabbies, so be careful I would try the moth-balls and steel trash can...''Good Luck"

  18. Try mothballs,or sprinkle human hair in the area. You can get it from a barber shop or when you have yours cut. it smells like humans. Also keep your garbage in a steel can with a  super tight fitting lid. They cn learn to open almost anything.

  19. Check on line or with your local hardware store for a motion detector sprinkler - your trash cans will get wet (so make sure the lid is on!), but as soon as they get near, they will get sprayed with water which will not harm them, it just startles them enough to make your trash less interesting.

  20. go get some live traps and release them in a place  that as a creek river  and a lot of forest for them and they will do very well

  21. The best thing is to secure your trash. Store in the garage or make a locking cabinet or get a very secure trash can. But they are smart and dexterous, don't underrate the type of locking mechanism you'll need.

  22. I have a proven solution.

    Items required:


    Large can of hairspray


    Ability to run long distances

    set those p.o.s. on fire!!

  23. Throw a grenade at them while they're eating the garbage.

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