My myspace layout has all lowercase letters, and I like that, but I don't want them to be all lowercase in my divboxes/scroll boxes because I want my character's history section to look professional! All I want is for my scrolly boxes to have normal paragraphs. Can anyone help me?
Picture of how my scroll box looks now:
How I want the words to look:
They named her Cassandra Nicole, after her great great aunt, Cassandra Vablatsky, a well-known prophetess. Cassandra has mixed blood. She had a muggle grandfather (from her mother’s side) and witch grandmother, who met in a small pub in Southwick (where her grandmother worked part time as a waitress at the age of 19. The only known living relative of Cassandra’s immediate family, other than her mother and father (who are now separated), is her grandmother, Grace Stacey, who stays at St. Mungo’s in intensive care. She has been in a coma for several years and has yet to wake; the reason of her misfortune is still unidentified.
Cassandra had a normal childhood; she started showing signs of magical ability at about the age of five (she was found by her mother, levitating in her sleep as she dreamt of flying). As an only child, she wasn’t the most social of children. She never had many friends, maybe one or two her entire youth. Most of the other kids thought she was outlandish and, being interested in nothing but witchcraft, weird. But that all changed when she received her letter from Hogwarts; like all Hogwarts students, she received it at the age of 11, to her parent’s delight.
During Cassandra’s school years she became close to, yes, <i>the</i> Harry Potter, and his friends, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. Though she didn’t tag along on their treacherous adventures, she would have liked to. She always seemed to be left out of them, along with Ginny Weasley. So naturally, Ginny and Cassandra became best of friends.
You could say that her days inside the legendary walls of Hogwarts castle were the best, but she had a lonely home life. Distant from her parents and having no siblings to talk to, Cassandra didn’t really take pleasure in the summertime. She always became highly dejected when the end of term approached. But summer eventually did come around and Cassandra had to cope, so she spent most of her time studying, writing, reading, and when she could, hanging with friends.
So when Cassandra graduated, she moved to New York City, yes, that’s in America. Missing her friends is something that comes naturally to her; but it doesn’t get to her too often. Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and even her good pal Emily do pop in to say hello every once and a while. Sometimes they even appear without notice, to surprise her. She still visits England from time to time, and yes, she’s still got that accent. ;D