
How do i get rid of all these fleas?

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I've got 3 cats, two kittens we brought home and one stray who comes in sometimes, and they've all got fleas. i gave them advantage flea stuff but it hasnt worked and the god d**n fleas are driving me up the f*ckin wall. 5 mins after you walk in your feet are covered to the ankle with 5-10 fleas on each foot, its redicoulous. do you know any ways to get rid of them without hiring an exterminator? or atleast a way to keep them out of my d**n room? the cats are never in here anyway




  1. The Advantage IS working. It kills fleas on the cat within 24 hours. You'll see them moving sluggishly before that.

    What's happening is that as the fleas die, MORE fleas are jumping on the cat. Fleas in the environment are able to stay off the cat till they need food, so as they jump on they're poisoned in turn.  

    Do your part by vacuuming.  Fleas sucked up into a vacuum cleaner die 97% of the time so going over the rugs, cracks in the floor and along the wall, AND the furniture every day will go a long way to getting rid of the majority of the infestation.

  2. I know your pain...grew up on a farm :)  

    I find that flea powder works well...but its messy.  

    What I did was spend a day at it....powder down the house, strip all the bedding and cloth (including curtains) and take them to the laundromat.  Take your cats and bath them....fleas cant live in water and will jump out...I really like submerging them right up to their head...just watch for claws and can remedy that by getting a cone from a vet.  

    Then just really watch where the majority of them are appearing and spot treat that area.

  3. You will have to treat them every 10-14 days because the fleas lay eggs immediately upon hatching, and the gestation of the eggs are 10-14 days.  The best way I have found is to take your cats to get flea dipped, while they are gone, put flea powder on everything, and everywhere the cats are, and where you could have tracked them (pretty much the whole house) - flea bomb the house (obviously, leave as well) as directed on the can.  You will have to do this for about 6 weeks.  If you only treat once, they WILL come back - you must kill them 3-4 times.  Believe me, I have tried every which way - and unless you want to pay the exterminator several times, it can be done by you a lot cheaper.  Make sure you put away any items you don't want a layer of bug posion to be on (like food, makeup, toothbrushes, cups....)

    Good Luck

  4. try the flea collars and if you don't want any chemicals at all then try some stuff at wal-mart they probably have some stuff that can help.

  5. I'm surprised the Advantage doesn't work. I'm guessing you got the dosage correct. If you can bathe them, then give them a bath in flea shampoo, if not go to the vet but that can be pricey.

    To get rid of them in your house, you're going to have to bomb your rooms. Seal off one part of the house and bomb, then seal the other off and do the same. Sprinkle flea powder on the carpeting. When I bombed my room I even took my drawers out to make sure the spray got inside the dressers as well. And washed all my clothes.

    Whatever you use for your cats, ask your vet first. I wouldn't buy stuff on my own. That HERTZ flea drops (the work like the advantage) will give your cats neurological problems!! I used a drop on my cat and within 5 minutes she had this tick/twitch in her neck. So I washed it off immediately and got her to the vet who warned me about that stuff.  

  6. SEVEN DUST  sprinkle it everywhere, wait a few hours then vaccum it up!! work wonders

  7. They actually have flea bombs that you can buy at your local grocery store.  Just make sure your cats are not in the house.  It'll get rid of them for sure.  

  8. it is not enough to treat the cats you need to treat the house to. There are several good flea killing sprays available in the store but make sure it kills the fleas and the eggs and treat the floors and all the furniture.get in all the cracks and corners and under all the furniture. We had that problem once when we got a new kitten and it takes diligence but the fleas can be controlled.  

  9. if you want them out your room, dont let your cats in there, and to get the fleas out, abandon your room for a couple days so they all die out then change your bed sheets n that, good luck ?

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