
How do i get rid of armpit stains in my armpit?

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i use to shave but not anymore cause i thought shaving left stains in my armpit so now i use nair or the spray hair remover but i still got dark stains under my armpits. In one day im starting school and i wanna wear a spaghetti strap shirt. Please tell me how can i get rid of it. Best answer will get 10 points. thanks




  1. use another brand.  

    stay away from ban

    ban the ban

    he he he he

  2. I don't know what causes this, but using OxyClean in your laundry and washing the whites in hot water will take the stains out.  I soaked the armpits of the shirts in a OxyClean/water mixture for 5 minutes and then washed the shirts with OxyClean in hot water and it took all the stains out in one wash.  I plan to use the OxyClean with all of my whites from now on.  

  3. salt and lemon juice scrub on a regular basis

  4. Honey, I would hold off on wearing a spaghetti strap top until I went to the doctor.  There may be some metabolic reason why your armpits are getting stained.  You may have too much acidity or alkalinity in your body chemistry that can be corrected easily, but that determination needs to be made by a medical professional.

    Good luck, I hope you find a quick and easy solution to the problem.

  5. Believe it or not, you can dampen the clothing, and sprinkle on some meat tenderizer.  I usually brush it in gently with a toothbrush and let it sit for a few minutes (3-5) and then wash as usual.   Meat tenderizer contains enzymes which break down proteins.  In your food, this makes meats juicier, but on your stains, it breaks down the proteins that bond the stains to your clothes.

  6. err... wash them?

  7. You might need a prescription strength deodorant.  They sell it over the counter now in walmart or any drug store. Make sure that you are using deodorant/antiperspirant.

  8. White vinegar will take the stains out. But you have to soak the area for a while (like 2-3 hours). Then wash the vinegar out (by hand) with hot water and soap-- the soap won't bubble at first, but be aggressive, and keep washing and rinsing until it does. Then machine wash. Check the results before machine drying, and repeat if needed.

    P.S.: I do this on t-shirts. I wouldn't try this on anything delicate.BTW, the stains are from antiperspirant (not deodorant). It sounds weird, but try applying your antiperspirant at night while you sleep. Yes, it will wash off when you shower in the morning, but that's OK; it will still work.

    Or, you could switch to plain deodorant (but it's hard to find deodorant without antiperspirant).

  9. i personally just use oxyclean for clothing (the spray on kind) let set for about five minutes before washing and throw in with like colors.

    works like magic, and is only a few bucks.

  10. Wash your clothes, use deodorant, and bathe.

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