
How do i get rid of bad breath???

by  |  earlier

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are there any "natural" options?

im only 17, and even when i brush i teeth and tounge, an hour later, my breath smells like i didnt brush it. i think its cause i have alot of cavities. but i cant afford it right now to treat it so i want to get rid of the smell. i dont really chew gum so is there any alternatives? like "natural" ones?




  1. Eat healthy? Are you drinking fizzy drinks and sweets?

  2. Maybe eat strong smelling candies like peppermints.

  3. eat peppermints or ticktacks a bit.

  4. tic tac's

  5. Baking soda with your toothpaste works great!

    Also make sure to brush your teeth after you eat and before and before you go to bed and when you wake up!

    Thats it! It works!



  6. Besides brushing your teeth and the rest of the inside of your mouth, quite often bad breath is caused by diet.  Ask your pharmacist about something for your stomach.


  7. brush your teeth with baking soda

  8. tic tacs mouth wash clean ya teeth 3 times daily lol i dunno ohh listerene pocketpks really work

  9. You can try 'Listerine' mouth wash in the mornings and night <--- Helps fight cavities too. Also try thoroughly brushing your tongue.. Drink LOTS of water, don't eat too much dairy. Brush twice daily. :-) Good luck :]

    EDIT: Why did I get 2 thumbs down? My answer is technically and physically correct...

  10. i don't think natural ones. but listerine mouth wash works really good!

  11. Gargle a cup of lukewarm water mixed with salt or half a lemon juice.This is  best done before going to bed. Chew parsley leaves,which are sure to keep your breath fresh. Put a few drops of tea tree oil on your toothbrush top it with toothpaste, and then brush your teeth.  More useful remedies at

  12. It might be your diet.

    Like if you don't eat enough. When you're hungry, you get "funny breath" as my mother puts it.

    Eat more fruits and lots and lots of green veggies.

    It could also be due to some bacteria in the mouth.

    Try using mouthwash?

    Hopefully it isn't something serious like Halitosis.

    Try.. eating... oh god I used to know this. Is it cinimon? Parsley?

    Well anyhow. Try eating plain yogart with no sugar in it. Not a whole lot, but, some doctors say sugar is bad for the bad breath bacteria, but the bacteria in yogart could help.

    So.... good luck kiddo!

    Baking soda toothpaste and mouthwash are the big ones though.

    And yes, get your cavities filled! It can cause huge problems down the road if you don't take care of them.

  13. have your mouth wide open so all the fresh air comes in, getting rid of the smell. also try to drink more water.

  14. Mouth wash

  15. I have the same problem, since u dont chew gum (thats what i do) carry a small bottle of mouth wash with, and use it a few time throughout the day!

  16. Honey everyone goes through this no one can ever have the freshess of breathe, even though you brush + your tongue rinse with mouth wash, but also it could be a number of things, try good old luke warm salt water and girgle it 5 times a day, not only is it natural, but will kill off bacteria, and helps your throat.

    Good Luck honey.  Hope this helps.

    Minny :-)

  17. you should use mouth wash.

    use act mouth wash. it is really good.

    u should really go see a dentist to just get a check up and so they can recomend u something with that problem. also you can get mints

    because they are safe for your teeth.

    hope i helped =D

  18. since bad breath can be caused by different factors, you should be able to know first what is the underlying cause of your bad breath. note that bad breath treatments can depend on what is the cause of it.  

    bad breath cause maybe lack of oral hygiene, dry mouth, smoking, alcohol, medications, sinus, eating garlicky meal, gum disease and other stomach related health illness.  

    whatever the cause is, it is best that you consult a dentist to help you figure out the cause and to get the right treatment.  good oral hygiene is always important to keep the mouth healthy, clean and fresh like proper brushing and flossing. natural oral rinses come in handy in restoring fresh breath and clean mouth.

    visit for more bad breath banishing tips.

  19. have you considered what you eat???

    cut down on the garlic man!

  20. brush the inside of your cheeks, your gums, tongue, and all of your teeth(the top ones start up and go down) and the bottom ones (start down and go up)

    afterwards, use dental floss...and then scope or another mouth wash.

    carry listerine pocket packs... or mints...

    and go to the dentist soon !! because your teeth are very important even for health go soon, before you regret it.  

  21. Brush your teeth well, including your tounge and the sides of your cheeks, use mouthwash, and floss daily. :D

    What the heck is up with all the thumb downs!?? This how you take care of your teeth, do you people just chew gum? Disgusting. haha

  22. LIsterine Bacterial And plaque fighting. its the orange one get it!!!

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