
How do i get rid of bamboo?

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How do i get rid of bamboo?




  1. Chop it down with a big knife!

  2. Pull it up.

  3. You Move. No kidding.

    You do not get rid of Bamboo unless you just planted it and discovered the error of your way.  

    Bamboo will travel underground from one side of your house and come up on the other, sprouting runners all along the way. Every shoot is interconnected. Any, I repeat any piece you leave in the ground will be back. More times than the Terminator.

    You have to remove all the above ground vegetation, and sift through the soil to a depth of about 3' and exceed the foliage range by 35' minimum to successfully remove it. And you still will not likely get it all.

    Good luck.

    I have customers who have Bamboo or their neighbors have Bamboo. The stuff grows 3 to 6' a day. It is a constant struggle to reclaim your territory. We have taken it out many times, but it is never gone. There's always some in the neighbors yard.

  4. To the "Certified Horticulturist since 1978 and a Landscape Contractor since 1995"

    Cant you mention clumping bamboo at all? Not ALL bamboo is invasive!!!

    Roundup will kill the bamboo. Mowing or kicking over the shoots will do it too. The rhizones will die if there are no canes to do the photoshynthesis.

    Plant clumpers next time not runners

  5. If you have a clumping variety it's pretty easy, bamboo are fairly shallow-rooted although still tough to dig out but that's the way to do it. I really need to know more. Do you have a large garden and it's spread out for a long way? Or is it a small garden and you think you won't have enough space. If it's spread over a large area you will have your work cut out to remove it.  If you have a runner variety the first thing you do is to cut off all the culms (canes) as they provide food for the new growth the following year. This will ensure that any new growth will be relatively small. You'll have to dig all of it out and make sure you've caught all the rhizomes. If it does show any new culms the following year simply break them off when they're still small and you'll find it will eventually give up as it is not being fed by any older growth.

  6. You need to yank the them out of the ground. They grow like weeds, and fast. Cutting them will only give you temporary relief!

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