
How do i get rid of brown patches in my lawn??

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slight red tinge to brown patches




  1. Go to the folks at your local lawn & garden store. They can answer that question.

  2. Believe it or not, I read somewhere that beer will make your lawn rich and green.  I've never tried it but It was in a helpful hints booklet.

  3. you have a fungus, spray your lawn or it could just be from you not watering it

  4. It sounds as though you have a disease in the lawn called Red Thread, it is very common this year due to the  unsettled weather, putting lawns under stress. Check for this by pulling a piece of grass out & if there is a red /pink tinge to base of plant this is red thread.

    Usually a good dose of fertiliser feed will help,( but don't overdo it or you will scorch the lawn causing real damage!!, if after 2 weeks it has not gone you can apply a moss treatment.

    If this still doesn't work a stronger treatment can be used by contacting your local Lawn care company.

    I hope this helps.


    Greensleeves East Riding Ltd

  5. Stop s**+@ing on your grass

  6. water it.

    you can even put new grass seed down and then water it, if you wanted to.

  7. You probably have foxes weeing on it.

    This causes brown staining due to the amonia in it.

    You can stop foxes by filling up old coke bottles with water and leaving the bottles spread randomly around your garden.

    This stops foxes coming in as the shine from the bottles off the water mimics other animals eyes.

  8. if you have a dog it's urine could kill the grass. If that is the case you more than likely can fix it by putting ironite on the lawn.

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