
How do i get rid of child support?

by Guest61935  |  earlier

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i want to completely diminish childsuppport for good and my sons father and i want to move in toghethter for the sake of our son




  1. what?

  2. all you need to do is move in together and tell the child support enforcement that he is now living with and supporting the child.  But, seriously I wouldn't do this unless he agrees to marry you.  It could be a ploy for him to get out of paying his support.  

  3. Check with your local court house.  I'm sure they'd be able to advise you.

    On 2nd thought, why not just put it into savings for a rainy day???

  4. If you are reconciling and no longer need the State to garnish the father's wages for child support, you can change that.  You can start by calling the probation officer in charge of your case.  They can tell you specifically what you will need to do.  I'm sure that if you both write a consent order together and schedule to enter it with the court, then you will be able to do this without lawyers.  Call the court clerk in your county and find out what to do from them, they are usually very helpful by giving specific instructions.  Good luck.

  5. Are you talking about reconciliation?

    Technically, though...even if you two get remarried, you will be spending some (a lot) of your money on raising you son.

  6. You will need to petition the court and file the correct paperwork.

                  "diminish childsuppport for good and my sons father"

    So you want to get rid of the father too? But move in with him? That's a little odd don't you think?

  7. Dont have children.....

    Oh, you mean in your situation.  Well, I would go back to the lawyer and they will probably have to refile.  

    To be honest, I would have him keep paying.  the money is going to the same place, might as well just pay it and let it go through the system. Plus this way-JUST IN CASE it doesn't work out, you wont have to go back to court again to get child support set up.  

  8. If you and the boys father want to get back together, the only way to stop child support is to go back to court. But, if he is in arrears (back child support) they will still take it out til he is caught up.  

  9. From experience going through the attorney general... moving in together will not stop the child support from being pulled period. and if you are living together the check comes back into the house hold anyways, its a safe bet to just leave it be for the time being. If by chance the two of you get married later as i did they just need a copy of the marriage license then it cancels the child support

  10. Is your support from your sons dad or for another child??

    If he is not bugging ya about it keep getting it. It will help filling up your gas tank. I mean put a few gallons in it.

  11. when the brat turns 18, or if you get maried  

  12. You will have to hire an attorney I would suppose.  

  13. I would call your worker @ Department of Human Services and work something out,.

  14. Call the child support division.  You will have to fill out paperwork.  It should be pretty simple though.  

  15. Very bad idea.  On several levels.

    First, you said, "move in" which means a lack of commitment from one (or both) of you.

    Second, men have a tendency to want to do this, not for their children, but for themselves.  They think they can avoid child support, and also have a built-in maid and bed partner.

    Third, as long as you and he remain unmarried, his child support will just mount up as owed support, and it can be taken out of his taxes or garnished from his wages, if he stops paying.

    I would think thinking of your child first would mean being adults, and not living with someone (even his father).  You are teaching your son it's ok, and down the road, you may be a Grandmother to children from many different live-ins, if this is what you teach him.

  16. Most courts don't allow you to totally give up child support.  You can stipulate to reserve it, but if you ever need it again, [i.e., he leaves] you'd be out of luck and the state doesn't like taking care of these kids.

  17. Sounds like a dumb idea, but whatever.

    It depends on how you originally got it started.  If it is thru the state you can file an order to stop the child support.  They will stop it due to non-compliance on both ends, yours and his.  If you went thru a lawyer it will be harder to stop because no judge is going to easily say 'ok'.

  18. i think you should think about this long and hard. child support is meant to help the child. if you two couldn't make it work what makes you think it will work because you have good intentions. WRONG its going to make many things harder for your child. what happens when it doesn't work out a second time. no get on your own two feet and move on. find someone you can have a healthy supportive relationship with and this will help your son more.

  19. U should have a case number call the office and set up appointment .

  20. I would imagine that you would have to go through the court system to have this issue resolved. Child support was put into place this way.

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