
How do i get rid of depression? or just the feeling of being sad

by Guest63801  |  earlier

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i feel so depressed,and lonely i'm always sad how do i get rid of it?!? ..i want to meet new people so i don't feel so lonely but no one ever wants to chat any more :(




  1. its actually really simple... exercise! it works on two levels, working out makes you feel good, and if you go to a gym you meet new people!

  2. go out to a bar or some place social and meet new people... get off you effin computer and harden up and get out into the real world

  3. try to make new friends. hang out with your family, they help a lot  

  4. I'm still trying to find the answer to this question myself...

  5. hanging out with your family can really help. The best way to feel better is to just keep yourself occupied. I was at a point where i felt like total c**p and I had a string of bad luck, it was really really bad, but I got through it by just findings ways to make me laugh and started to learn to play guitar and now i have new, better friends and everything is cool. If your friends are a******s tell them to go f*ck themselves and find cooler people at some kind of class or hobby or something. don't hang out with people that treat you like sh*t.

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