
How do i get rid of fleas from my rabbit??

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please how do i get rid of them also he had a tic i just found b4 please help




  1. Please consult your veterinarian for advice.  Never use products like flea spray, baths or powders.  These are sold in many stores but frequently contain ingredients that can be dangerous, or even deadly, for a variety of pets.

    From a veterinary text I can give you the names of some safe medications to treat fleas in rabbits, these will be available through your vet.  I'll give you dosages as well, but I would not recommend treating at home if you are not experienced, do not have an extremely accurate scale, and do not have the ability to calculate the correct dose and administer a tiny amount of medication.

    Revolution (Selamectin) is given at 6 mg/kg topically.  Advantage (Imidacloprid) is given as 1 cat dose topically, this is the plain Advantage not any of the other variants with added products.  These are the two safest medications that I know of.

  2. *Never* ever use Frontline on your rabbit. Frontline is designed for cats and is very toxic to rabbits and causes seizures.

    Other than that most important warning, the rest you have to worry about it to get a good flea powder. I wouldn't recommend the flea dips because rabbits are generally scared of water and it would just make things more complicated.

    Hope everything works out:)


    go to a pet store and ask them if they have stuff to remove fleas from your rabbit

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