
How do i get rid of fleas without harming three kids under 3 (3 yr, 2 yr, 9 mos)? i have no pets, or carpet.?

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i'm not sure how but i've seen a few fleas in my living room and son's room the past 3 days. i want to get rid of the little suckers before it gets out of control.

i have no pets. i have no rugs/area rugs. i have wall to wall hardwood floors except for the kitchen and bathroom which have tile.

i've read 20 mule borax works great with carpeting. will it work on hardwood floors too? is it safe to use with a crawling 9 month old, and 2 and 3 yr old who put EVERYTHING in their mouth? if ayone's used, what's your experience? how long did it take to work? what are the steps to apply? how often and for how long?

i have the same questions about de food grade PLUS where can i purchase in person?

sorry i'm asking so many questions but i want to get rid of them FAST! i read 1 female can hatch 500 eggs. GROSS!

hope there's someone who can help me!!!




  1. Why do you think they are fleas ? Without pets or carpets, I think it unlikely, but not impossible, and that it is something else. Assuming you have the problem,if you are in the UK, then contact your local  council and they should sent someone around to identify and control the problem. If you do see something, have some 1" wide Sellotape or similar handy and trap it on the sticky side. Then fold the tape over to completely encapsulate the insect. You can identify it in the tape, and it's sooo satisfying to be able to KILL the ******. Usually they are too fast to catch in any other way.

    We bought something called 'Indorex Spray' marketed by Virbac Animal Health from our local Vets. You have to ventilate the house after spraying just the once,  and it would be best to leave the children with a relative  or friend  whilst treating the house. You would also need to change all clothing and put it through a hot wash to be certain that nothing carries over.

    It's a distressing problem, but it happens and you just have to work your way through. Best of luck !

  2. Hello Hater of Fleas,

    I too wonder if they are indeed fleas.  See the link below to make sure they aren't Springtails, a pest I recently discovered at my home.  It is said they thrive in moist conditions and could be a symptom of mold problems.

  3. if you own a vacuum and use it you can buy advantage or frontline(normally used on animals) and put it in your vacuum bag or filters. This way when they get in the vacuum they die instead of getting out! I too had a little flea problem and do not have any animals but I live in an apartment so who knows how they got in!! But this worked for me, I have not seen a flea since and my son has stopped getting bitten!!  good luck!!

  4. I would hire somebody to come in & spray it is cheaper than you think. You will probally have to leave for a couple of hours but hey they get the job done & spray for all bugs & if they are fleas that is the only way to make sure you get all of them. Good luck.

  5. You can get carpet stuff at Walmart that is for fleas. I understand that you do not have carpet, but this will work. Sprinkle it on your floors before you go to bed. Before your kids get up in the morning you should sweep it up. This should work. I have used it before and it works really well.

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