
How do i get rid of frustration on the tennis court?

by Guest44710  |  earlier

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I play tennis and everytime i mess up i get really mad. Tennis is obviously kind of a silent sport so i cant yell and scream, and i cant slam my raquet or ill break it. I always end up getting discouraged and start doing bad. Any ways to get rid of my frustration?




  1. Marat Safin and John McEnroe are terrific shotmakers despite their outbursts. Try researching on their secrets to such top caliber play. And you can yell for sure. Sharapova and Venus Williams are screaming even when volleying. Just try to do an original scream. Or you can try what Youzny did when he slammed his racket to his head out of frustration. He ended up bleeding and probably satisfied that he got his frustration out of his head.

  2. if you play doubles.. talk to your partner about something totally different from tennis

  3. why not, it worked for McEnroe

  4. i find talking to myself and taking deep breaths b4 my serve helps

    just tell urself getting angry doesn't help

    its just gonna make things worse

    think about how good its gonna feel when you find

    lighten up

  5. Take a slow deep breath and count to 10.  Lighten up it is just tennis not the end of the world.

  6. im on varsity tennis in high school right now...i get the same way if i mess up...and usually i just take a deep breath and make sure i win the point back...then i can play normal again

  7. IWhen i serve and i get frustrated i bonce the ball three times and talk to my self and tell my self just to let it go and i can get the next one, Or I hit the next ball really hard and that helps me relax but not so hard that it goes out. but if your playing doubles try to clear your mind and talk with your partner about something else .

  8. don't lose

  9. just chill out. if u like tennis thats great but if you don't than don't play it. just play it for the fun of playing it!!! enjoy life!! every second you spend angry is one less second you can spend happy!!!

  10. OKay I played in high school and was offered a scholarship too play at a top school, so I am pretty good my husband and i play alot and I get so mad when we play if he hits it hard or smashes it and i don't get to the ball and I think I am so much better then him wtf..  So i start throwing the racket, and smashing in the pavement all kinds of things swear ya know the usual throwing a fit of rage.  And I start doing really bad too.  So the last two times we have played after he told me I shouldn't get so mad, I have been trying something different.  I bring my car close and put on music to listen too while we play and for some reason it works I still get a little bit upset but nothing crazy I really concentrate on the music and play things I like so I get pumped up for the song and I do better and don't get frustrated as much.  I guess try that.  I do know how you feel though, you are a competetor and it comes with the territory when you play something you love and are good at and you do things that you know you should not have done while playing you get upset, especially in tennis cause it is so cut and dry of a sport, you are either good or suck and if you are not in complete attention mode on even let your self have dead foot you are going to miss something that should not have been missed in the first place you get pissed.  It's very typical in tennis I think it is for me anyway>>>

  11. try hitting the ball harder

  12. WHen we made a poor shot, coach always (ALWAYS) made us look up as we walked back to the base line.  NO looking down. NO hanging our heads.  No hanging on to the poor shot memory.  By looking up we were looking ahead to the next shot, letting the poor one slip from memory.  By keeping our heads up we weren't letting the bad stuff bring us down.  By looking up we visualized the poor stuff sliding off our backs and slipping away.  

    Anger is okay--it's just another emotion. Letting anger ruin your Tennis game sucks.  A deep breath, a clean new moment and you're good to go. You choose to let it go or hang on to it...You've got the power, use it!

  13. First and most importantly, it's best that you realize everyone messes up.  We see pros mess up all the time.  Secondly, frustration is not a bad thing.  Frustration in some sense is good because it means you really don't want to lose, so you need to keep that in mind as well.  Instead of getting discouraged over every unforced error, encourage yourself to not make the same mistake.  And during points take time to relax and think about what you're going to do and not do.  Other than that, it's all up to you to look forward and not look behind you at the things you've messed up at.

  14. play with a person you dont like...and hit them with the tennis ball!!! :D

  15. i take a few deep breaths and before i serve, i do the same thing (bounce the ball 3 times) also, i talk quietly to myself (that sounds weird, but w/e) i'm just like, come on, you've got this.

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