
How do i get rid of gardener snakes around my house?

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How do i get rid of gardener snakes around my house?




  1. Moth balls. Although I am not sure why you want to get rd of them. They are cool to look at and serve a purpose.

  2. Do you mean "garter" snakes? If so, why would you want to get rid of them? They eat harmful bugs that would otherwise be a trouble, and they are harmless to humans and pets. Some of us are creeped out by snakes, but they really are harmless and beneficial in an ecological sort of way.  I've had them around my house, and aside from the occasional surprise in seeing them, they are welcome to keep the vermin population under control.

  3. I agree with Beverly-but I can see why some people don't want snakes around. If you really want to get rid of them, I have heard of a few things. 1)mothballs 2)snake repellant-you can get it at any hardware store 3)run them over with the lawn mower. Hope this helps.

  4. Snakes like birds and mice if you have any. Get an outside cat to take care of the mice and maybe they move on.

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