
How do i get rid of heat boils?

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Any remedies. Why do you get them? What are the causes? What can i use to cure them/?




  1. Bathe them with hot water, it will sting but it takes them down. Also you can get antibiotics from yr doctor if its needed. If they don't go down then you will need to go 2 the hospital to get them lanced.

    I get them in the hot weather due to clothes rubbing.Try to avoid anything that will rub on them as it will irritate them more.

  2. One of the most effective natural remedies for boils is,  the use of Garlic and Onion juice which is to be applied to the infected area externally in an equal proportion. Also, a cupful of bitter gourd juice mixed with a teaspoon of fresh lime juice and sipped on slowly on an empty stomach can prove beneficial in curing the infection. To further prevent heat boils avoid constipation. Breathing exercises in fresh air,  also helps in preventing the boils.

  3. If you get heat boils the best way to cure is to expose them to some cold air. leave the would uncovered. Use very less antibiotics to cure these

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