
How do i get rid of ingrown hairs??

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i shave my legs once a week in summer and once every 2 weeks in winter and i have red dots( kinda like pimple but no pus and really small) verywhere( actuaaly most on my knees and the part of my legs above my nees.) on my legs from in grown haris and they look really ugly .

i dnt know how to get rid of them.




  1. I hope you don't mind that i'm answering your question, but trust me- guys know plenty about shaving.

    Firstly, ingrown hairs are normal when shaving, especially with a dull or cheap (disposable) razor.

    Make sure your using the best shaving cream for your skin, i would suggest using a sensative skin formula. Also, you need to make sure you have a moderately good razor. These are your legs and if you want them to look good, don't be afraid to spend a little money on a quality razor with more blades. This gives a wider distribution of pressure on your skin and will cut the hairs much smoother.

    Another tip would be to use sensative skin lotion after shaving. And don't shave while showering. I hear that a lot of women do this and it baffles me because when your shaving it is opening up your pores to everything and if the water has any trace of something allergenic... well, it'll be inside your skin now. Generally not a good idea. Water is also not a very good lubricant.

    Just trust me on this one. Hope it gets better.

  2. I bought Ingrow Go from the skin doctors.  It's a really good product because I used to get ingrowing hairs on my legs too but this helped.

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