
How do i get rid of june bugs - they're in my home - gross me out!?

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I have junebugs flying around my family room and kitchen normally around 8:00 p.m. and do I get rid of these gross bugs?




  1. I think you have to wait until JULY and they won't be JUNE bugs anymore lol!! they will go away soon.

  2. junebugs love light.  If you like living in the dark they won't bother you.

    Really they are hardly a bother, just tell your family members to keep the darn door shut!

  3. Your best bet is to not let them get in the house in the first place. Seal up cracks around the doors & windows, repair screens, etc. If you have a pet tarantula or two, June beetles make great snacks for those furry critters.

    Fortunately June beetles aren't all that bright and are completely harmless. They can be easily trapped by putting a water glass or jar over them and slipping a sheet of paper between the lip of the glass and the surface the bug is on. Take it outside and let it go, then do the same for the dozen or so that got in while you were releasing the first one.


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