
How do i get rid of mice in my aviary,i cant put poison down or set traps as the birds might get poisoned or?

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  1. Are they coming in from the floor? If so you could put slabs on the bottom of the aviary or dig down and put wire there.  Bit of a big job though.

    The tubing sounds like a good idea or you could have a look into ultrasonic mouse repellers, but I'm not sure if this would upset your birds.

  2. Here's one way use some old fashion sticky pads lay them all over the corners and along the aviary rats and mice are like blind so they just stay in the corner if they find an hole they go into it.

  3. There are some good suggestions and to say Rats and Mice are blind (jb90123)he is way out,

    If you want to put poison down put it in small bore pies but on the outside of your aviary,then cover them with a piece of wood etc.

    I have used Moth Balls with great success(you can get them from most chemists)place these (2 covered)in the corners of your aviary and drop 1 down any holes that you can see.

  4. Buy some lengths of piping and put the poison in the middle so that it can only be eaten by a creature going through the tube - mr mouse.

  5. You can use steel wool  stuff all wholes with steel wool the mice or rats eat this it messes there stomachs up and they will go some where to die.

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