
How do i get rid of muffin top?

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i'm 14 and i hate my body because i dont have a super flat stomach, but its not that big & when i wear jeans, they push up on my stomach & make it look fat AND i get this thing that alot of people call "muffin top" and i hate it sooo much. its like my stomach fat & "love handles" get pushed up & out and it looks soo bad & makes my stomach look fatter & also makes me top look bigger than my legs & hips which i find really unnattractive and i feel ugly.

this is how bad the "muffin top" looks & you can see how my legs & hips look smaller than my stomach.

[no rude comments plz, i heard enough already]

how can i reduce my stomach from hanging over the sides of my jeans like that!?!?!? ughh i hate it!!

what should i do?

besides buy new/ bigger jeans.




  1. I have the same problem as you. I'm a petite person and I'm only 5'2". I'm slim all around but when I do gain any weight, it goes straight to my tummy/love handles. It got a little better as I've gotten older (I'm 23 now) but I still tend to gain weight in that area.

    Honestly, the only way I've ever been able to get rid of them was to do tons of cardio. Yep, run, run, run...I ran around 3+ miles a day. I also watched what I ate...cut back on sugary and high fat foods. In a few weeks, I slimmed down all over and my stomach flattened a great deal. BUT even with all of this work, I still had a little pudge there. It didn't give the "muffin top" look anymore which was awesome, but I didn't gain a 6 pack.

    Some people are just built different than others...and unfortunately, there is no way to just get rid of one fatty area. Just try to run or walk more than you usually do. And stop eating candy, sodas, fast food. Little changes can make a difference-- you just have to stick to them!

    Also-- babydoll shirts or shirts that are looser around the waist can really hide the little belly pudge. Just try to find clothing that flatters other parts of your body but hides your stomach a little. Good luck hun!

  2. you look fine though....i don;t even think you have a muffin top in the picture you posted.

    but if you wanna have a leaner stomach, you should do crunches....enroll in a gym program! i did! and it felt great!!!!

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