
How do i get rid of my acne?

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I have a lot of acne on my nose and now i'm getting some on my chin, cheeks, and forehead. I know i cant get rid of it all at once but I wash my face every morning and every night and then put this neutrogena stuff on it but it doesn't work. How do i get rid of it?




  1. try using toothpaste with baking soda at night time within a few days your acne should start clearing up.

  2. I had sooooooooooooooooo many pimples b4...

    my suggestion is to wash ur face every night with a good daily cleanser...

    and also ask your doctor... cas he perscribed me with these creams and they really work...

    also, don't stress and don't fiddle arond with it...

    if you touch it, it will make it get worse

  3. This could be a hormonal problem, and you just need to let this situation pass. I know that it is really frustrating but keep washing your face. Maybe you might need to change the kind of face wash that you use. It may or may not help.  

  4. well if all else fails you can talk to your doctor. and ive never used it but you should try proactiv. sounds pretty good.

  5. don't squeeze it.

    use tissues. not face towels.

  6. I have the same problem. Don't squeeze the acne. I would suggest Nozema Deep Cleansing Cream. It is supposed to get rid of oil. makeup. and dirt. So, it cleans your face to get rid of acne and prevent acne too. Someone, said you can put toothpaste on the acne that you know is going to come out of your skin. That is supposed to dry out your pimples/zits and shrink them. Don't use toothpaste with whitening crystals in them. Hope this helps a little.

  7. Your acne is getting severe, so you should right now apply the breaks then for it to become a pain to treat. I also had suffered from acne for quite a long time and have now since a year been able to maintain a clean and clear complexion. I used Zenmed's Derma Cleanse Acne System and this was the only product that helped me alot to clear me off acne. The complete system is completely herbal and consists of a facial cleanser, an acne gel and easy to swallow capsules. While the cleanser and gel help to remove acne from the outer surface of the skin, it is the capsules that work to get rid of acne from where it starts.

    You could either use the complete system or just the cleanser and acne gel, depending upon how severe your acne is currently.

    You also need to drink lots of water to detox your body, eat fresh vegetables, sleep well and stay far from stress. Avoid too much of oily and junk food, chocolates and colas.

  8. Everyone gets acne, but if you want to help it...

    Proactive works wonders, it really does. If you're looking for a cheaper product, try Clearasil. =)

  9. i know how you feel trust..use some natural ingredients and im sure you will see good results. they are, banana skin, honey, lemon juice, rose water, gram flour (mixed with honey and rose water or just natural water.)

    Also drink loads of water and wash face twice a day and don't keep picking or touching spots and use the ingredients separate or mix few of them they not harmful and when you wash face start by washing with hot water then cold.

    I cant explain to you what all of them contain or do scientifically even thou they have been proven but all i can say is they will work and make face cleaner and softer and get rid of spots and blackheads.. best one is honey and making paste of gram flour mixed with honey,rose water etc..

    i no how you feel and that but try it you got nothing to lose but best is if you make the paste use it twice a day and keep it cold in fridge or in a cool place. They will work just keep faith and stay away from alot of sun and keep hair away from face. Hope this helps because its helped me and alot of people i know in real and on here . MY BEST IS HONEY AND BANANA SKIN X OTHERS AND ALL OF THEM HAVE WORKED BUT DEPENDS ON SKIN TYPE BUT IT WILL GET BETTER X

    Why waste money on expensive products when some make it worse or have side affects and some don't do anything because they work on certain types of spots plus certain skin types.

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