
How do i get rid of my bad odor in my armpit?

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I don't know how this happened.. How do i get rid of this by not getting armpit hair? I want to avoid those armpit hair and this bad odor, it smells like sour and i didn't take any deodorant and i don't want to take one of those and also when i get sweaty, this odor comes..So here are my questions:

How do i get rid of my bad odor in my armpit?

How can i get rid of it without getting armpit hair?

What could have caused this?

Please help me!




  1. Stay away from refined sugar - it feeds bacteria and will increase your body odor many times over.

    Go for a jog or sit in a sauna. You’ll be stinking it up at first, but after a while you’ll flush out your pores and notice that your sweat no longer stinks.

    Anti-perspirants work to reduce odor, but they do so by clogging your pores and locking the odor-causing toxins and bacteria underneath the skin. This can lead to underarm cysts and pimples.

    If all else fails, spot wash with soap and water.

    Try and stay cool, sweat is a transmitter of the odor.

    Apply an absorbent powder such as baby powder to your underarms after bathing.

    A baking soda+water paste applied to the areas of smelliness can help neutralize existing odor.

    Alcohol and tobacco are known to contribute to foul body odors  

  2. sorry:the hair is making it worse.

    shave it, and use an anti-perspirant(deodorant isn't as powerful)

    the sweat causes odour+bacteria on the skin.

    the hair in the armpit stop the anti-perspirant from working properly.

  3. It sounds like the changes of puberty.  The offensive smell is generally not the sweat - fresh sweat is not an unpleasant odour.  Once sweat meets with bacteria, however, there is a chemical reaction causing a bad odour.

    Really scrub the area when you clean - there can be residual sweat still in the folds of skin and clinging to hairs.

    You can try splashing some rubbing alcohol on your armpits right after a shower while they are still clean.  That should cut down on the bacteria available.

    Isabella's answer is excellent.  Damp baking soda can also be used like a paste to rub the area clean.

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