
How do i get rid of my moms boyfriend and get my relationship with my mom back.?

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the reason she needs to get rid of him is he makes up lies to get me in trouble. He makes all my brothers and siters miserable. Hes ruining my relationship with my mom. All he does is say im stupid and i hate you and i wish you will out. I tried talking to my mom about it and she dosnt care she said so herself and now shes acting like him now she said to me that she dosnt care anymore and i know now that my relationship is down the toliet can u ghys please help me!!!!!!!




  1. hmmm, maybe it's time for you to leave the nest and realize mom has a life of her own to live, and it isn't required of her to live it for you.  I don't know, you haven't said your age, so if you are underage...well, what he is doing amounts to abuse and you can report that.  If you are considered of adult age...honey it's time to grow up and take care of yourself, and I suspect that is what your mom is trying to get you to do.

  2. I'm so sorry you're going through this.  

    Do you have a close relative, maybe an Aunt, Grandparent, you can go to with this?  This is not an emotionally healthy place for you to be.  And if he gets physical with you or your siblings, put yourself first and them...Call 911.  I know you love your mom, but sometimes, even adults are influenced by someone else to the point that they lose sight of what's right.  Don't feel guilt.  I don't know what resources you have available in your community, but find an adult that can help you and your siblings.

  3. How was your relationship with your mother before this bf?  What has she been like, with other bf she's had?

    It sounds like your mom doesn't put her kids first.  That's too bad, because she's ruining your relationship and chances are this guy and her won't work out and by then, the kids will no longer want to be around her and she'll be left alone.

    Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do, if she's taking his side.  She probably knows that he tells lies, but ignores it.

    Someone needs to talk to your mom. I don't know if you have an aunt or a grandma, that can talk to your mom about her bf.

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