
How do i get rid of..............?

by  |  earlier

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when i get my period, i get super bad cramps, really irritable, severe migraines, and all that. i don't want to have to take medicene, because it throws my body out of whack. does anyone know any home remedies?




  1. For your cramps.. take a heating pad or a warm a wet cloth in the microwave and place it on your stomach where the cramps hurt the most. That'll help..

    For the migraines. Use a cold towel or an ice pack and it should help those as well.

    I go through the same thing. But i usually take 3 aleve and it knocks it out for me. But If I don't have those I do the above and it helps..

    Hope this helps

  2. Epsom salt bath helps me.

  3. try putting a hot towel or a hot water bottle over your abdomen. that usually helps with cramps.

  4. Really the only thing that helps me is an Advil (just one)

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