
How do i get rid of self injury scars?

by  |  earlier

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i used to cut for 5 years, and now im trying to go into the navy and i have a scar engraved into my leg and iv got scars all up and down my arm and underneath of my tattoo. i need to get rid of them quick iv tried the cocoa butter and its not working. any suggestions?




  1. i'm a self harmer, and i wish i knew a quick answer. maderma is rubbish, bio oil, vitaminE recommended by palstic surgens), or you can get them lasered by a dermatologist.

    if your worried about your interview i find the best thing to "hide" them is camouflage makeup, its thick and will stay on. or say u were in a accident as a child.

  2. Now I'm 13 and I used to harm myself plus my godfather is a recruiter in the navy. I use scar removal lotions. It really depends on the deepness and size of the scars. My advice is don't tell the navy that you ever cut. My godfathers favorite line is "no stands for new opportunities, an yes stands for your enlistment stops". Yes and the mecs proccesing center dosent look into your enlistment contract that well. A person is any mental disorder including depression does not quilify for an enlistment contract.  I hope I helped.

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