
How do i get rid of slugs n my garden?

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How do i get rid of slugs n my garden?




  1. You can usually buy slug killers from most garden centers, or try putting salt round the outside of you garden/plants.

    Someone once told me broken egg shells also work, but i've not tried that

  2. A good way to kill slugs is to put salt on them,but you must try not to get any of it on the plants as it will kill them.

  3. Put out aluminum pie plates and fill them with beer. It works really good. They will be all drowned in the morning. It is kinda gross but it does work. And I heard salt works if you sprinkle it around the edges of your garden, they will not cross the line.  

  4. Put a saucer of beer out and by morning they will be gone.

  5. Get a hedgehog.

  6. get a pet duck...a slugs worst enemy.


  8. SALT!!!! dump it all over them!  

  9. put down broken egg shells ,they do not like walking on them ,also if you put down slug pellets to kill them it will kill birds as they like slugs .

    good luck h

  10. You can try salt, beer or pellets, but, they are tenacious little buggers lately and seem impervious to everything. I have resorted to picking them up with a litter picker and re-homing them in my composter. It is arduous work, but it seems to be working. Unless of course you happen to have a flame thrower.........

  11. Certain plants will repel slugs. Ginger, garlic, mint, chives, red lettuce, red cabbage, sage, sunflower, fennel, foxglove, mint, chicory & endive seem to be less prone to slug attack. Plant them around the perimeter of your garden to keep slugs away. Also a copper tape and crushed egg shels work well--

    I hope it will help.

  12. Try and encourage hedgehogs they eat shed-loads of them!

  13. try using Diatametious Earth.  it is not harmful to pets or people unless you breath a lot of it.  I've even given it to my pets to get rid of "worms".  just search on diatametious earth.  good luck  

    Maybe talcum powder??

  14. Sprinkle salt on every one you see & eventually there should not be any left to breed.I keep can of salt handy (very cheap) & with that can even sprinkle onto those on walls & trellises where you can't balance pellets.Very inexpensive method of control & have never yet found pellets work well enough but salt does every time.Snails too.

  15. Salt :D

  16. Put out a pan of beer---------for real.

  17. salt should do the trick

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